Removing License from My PC

How do I remove license from my PC. I’ve gone to the Trimble help but cant find the remove license option. Do I open Sketchup to do this.


Hello, if you have a classic licence (not a subscription) you Indeed have to open SketchUp and go where help tells you to go (on pc help menu > licence)

Thanks Paul. I’ve got Pro 2020

Thats subscription

If you have subscription, licensing is tied to the sign in.
You can log out under the Help menu, too.

Thanks Mike. Do I have to remove license before unistalling or do I just unistall.

Best to sign out. You are allowed to be logged in on two devices ( but can on three) and a sign in in each version counts as a device(!)

If you forget to sign out somewhere and have no access anymore, you can ‘Manage tour Devices’ by going to, choose the right account, go to My Products, select ‘Included Applications’ and then under the SketchUp app, choose ‘Manage devices’
This will force a re-sign in after restarting SketchUp.

Thanks Mike. Getting rid of the current PC tomorrow so was worried it would stay on there.