Hi, it seems to me that you might be better off using the boolean, or “solid tools” to do what you want which is basically to cut the boat hull shapes out of the water (if I’ve understood correctly)…
In supplement to bmike suggestion, try choosing a top view, then create a large rectangle far enough from any geometry to avoid unwanted snaps.. It should be created on the red/green plane.
Once this rectangle is created, you can move it to where it belongs and resize it and even reshape it if required.
Thank you VERY much. I followed your advise
Sorry I use SK for many years and still don’t know
some basics.
I have watched multiple times and followed
SO I made a water square much bigger than needed
exactly at the height of the lake level
and then deleting what outside of the model
Then MANAGED to recreate the water with the cut out
the hexagon in the center is the water of the aquarium
that goes down to the bottom of the lake
I managed to cut the boat
I got to all this by again recreating the shapes based
on centers of each geometries (but the boat the came about at the first try)
and then clean out any spec tat remained from the intersection
and planting blue vertices at the centers
I will try to reintegrate it later on as a group and I left marks on the
corners to match.
My aquarium has 25cm thick glass walls (its a game lets not forget)
I still wonder should I pull down the water to the bottom to make it
a big water volume
I actually don’t
want the water pattern on the inside of the aquarium glass
With Lumion I actually managed to make digital fish swim around
took me along time to stop them swim through the glass walls
but it takes so
much power that I don’t have so I deleted them
I have an imaginary geometric coral reef and plant in and over the water
I will confirm after my re migrate the water later on
I need to prepare food for dinner Life goes on.
I am not screaming just want to emphasize my gratefulness
Thank you very much as per my reply to him that I guess you can see
I finally seem to have managed
NOW I will reinsert into position
Hello Mr Paddy Clown
Long time no see
I guess it would be but at this stage I am not ready to try another way
there are no real people swimming around..
Once I return it into Twinmotion and then UE 5.4
I might take another approach to the water.
I read about ways to create a full volume of water.
But as its supposed to become a game for me it’s important
that the water is as clear as possible so people can look down into it
and distinguish that there are option places and spaces under the water
to discover.
Merci beaucoup!
It worked my cut between Aquarium and Lake water is dry
the boardwalk on top and ceiling under are dry ..
The bottom of the big boat also is dry
I am soooo relieved
Thank you.
Thanks to ALL
MERCI beaucoup
Well, the important thing is that you seem to have found your solution, so there we go. That images is wild BTW !
Aww that’s so encouraging of you to say. You make my day!
It’s a very intricate glass maze on the bottom of my quarry lake
people (hopefully 3D avatars)
will then be able to stroll around and discover the views and interact
and play the game
It was days on end, of using the “follow me”
then installing the occasional seating benches to have a sit and chat all that is UNDER the big boat that has a glass bottom
I only have a photo site online they don’t save other files
and this one is way to large its about 3GB all in all in SKU
Somehow TM motions and UE seem to compress the model
rather well.
It can actually fly around like a bird in an over etc
its very thrilling althoug my game will NOT be about speed
nor shooting
I think I mentioned before it’s 2.5+ years of work
I can’t risk putting it online easily
I hope to be able to search for a paid project partner
or someone interested in being a part project owner..
But it’s all a world so much beyond creativity.
My next option I think will be to take to Kickstarter and
see how much traction/ financial support we can raise
I design and I have dear friend avid gamer and another creative
soul (but only with ideas and concepts) no actually work
I have a currently unemployed acquaintance who has 25+ years of C or C++ language ( I know nothing about programming) but I can’t get him interested
in even trying to apply his knowledge in UE that I read is all about C language
He used to work in the world of transportation like taxi/cab
So maybe he can’t or won’t understand to apply his knowledge to things visual and graphic like make doors open and wheels turn etc..
Cheers for now