I have two (solid) intersecting components shown in the image; let’s call them “post” and “peg” (the peg is the cylinder). I wish to place contruction points as new entities of the post. The points are to be placed where the center line of the peg intersects the post.
For what’s it worth, the post in the model is 8"x8"x6’ and the peg is 3/4" diameter, 10" long and protrudes from the post 1" on each side. The axes of the two components are oriented the same. The peg’s origin is at the end of the peg on the left side of the post (and displaced 1" from the post axis in the y-direction).
The code below mostly works but after the transformation from the peg space to the post space, the y-coordinate is not what I expect.
Here’s the output from the ruby console:
Found Peg face: #<Sketchup::Face:0x007f931f103010>, area: 0.4367571386105076, center:
Peg face #<Sketchup::Face:0x007f931f103010> intersected component #developers <Sketchup::ComponentInstance:0x007f931e4323b8> at (0.375", 8", 0.375"), (d=8")
pc2:(6.5", 6.979575", 51.782654")
Found Peg face: #<Sketchup::Face:0x007f931f101e18>, area: 0.4367571386105075, center: (0.375", 10", 0.375")
Peg face #<Sketchup::Face:0x007f931f101e18> intersected component #<Sketchup::ComponentInstance:0x007f931e4323b8> at (0.375", 8", 0.375"), (d=2")
pc2:(6.5", 6.979575", 51.782654")
Notice that the two peg faces with centers at (0.375", 0", 0.375") and (0.375", 10", 0.375") are expected results. Why would mod.raytest return the same point on two difference faces? That point3d location doesn’t reference anything in the rays path (from what I can tell).
Any hints on what I’m doing wrong are welcome.
faces = peg.definition.entities.grep(Sketchup::Face)
areas = faces.map { |f| f.area }
min, max = areas.minmax
peg_faces = faces.select { |f| (f.area - min).abs < 0.001 }
if peg_faces.size != 2
print("Odd, ", peg_faces.size, " peg faces, only expected two!\n")
mod = Sketchup.active_model
peg_faces.each { |f|
pc = Geom::Point3d.new(f.bounds.center)
pv = Geom::Vector3d.new(f.normal.reverse)
print("Found Peg face: ", f.to_s, ", area: ", f.area, ", center: ", pc.to_s, "\n")
item = mod.raytest([pc, pv], true)
if item
pc = item[0]
c = item[1][0]
d = f.bounds.center.distance(item[0])
print("Peg face ", f, " intersected component ", c.to_s, " at ", pc, ", (d=", d, ")\n")
tr = c.transformation.inverse * peg.transformation
print("pc2:" + pc.to_s + "\n")
print("raytest failed!\n")
SU 2017 (17.3.116)