Push/pull function on curved surfaces - specific example

Hello, I am new to sketchup. I am trying to use push/pull function, but I keep getting an error that I cannot use this tool on curved or smoothed surfaces. The issue, the surface was not smoothed or curved.

Please take a look at the holes on top of two side walls and let me know what I can do to push them in 1inch.

Rugged Stepping stool.skp (1.2 MB)

Which face are you referring to specifically?

Is there a reason why you are creating the model upside down?

The solid blue axis and the lighter sky color are up.

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The two holes in legs where the lower step will be mounted.

Thanks for letting me know about axis orientation!!! I fixed it.

Are you trying to push the dowel holes in? The front one on this leg is not inside the object so it won’t create a hole. The other one just needs to be pushed in to create the dowel hole.
For the front one you need to open the object for editing so you can draw the circle on the face and push it in.

Thank you very much Dave!! Once I flipped things over, everything seemed to fall in place!!

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