Push/pull through curved surface

I am a woodworker and a relative novice using Sketchup. I have reviewed the prior discussions on using push/pull on curved surface but either don’t see the relevance or can’t understand the answers. What I want to do is relatively simple, at least in real life. I have a 4x4 inch table leg. Two of the surfaces are to be cut into a concave shape. These sides will have one common intersection or corner. I can use the curve tool to draw the curve on one side and push/pull through to the other side to remove the concave section. However, when I try to do the intersecting leg surface, I cannot push all the way through (off set limited to …). I have downloaded the push/pull extensions from the Fredo 6 collection but can’t see how any help. See attached.base2.skp (25.9 KB)

Hi. You’re right. It is simple. Assuming you want the curves on the two outside faces, start with the leg blank. Draw the curve on the back face at the outside edge. Select the two top edges, get Follow Me and click on the waste side of the curve. Normally that’s all. For some reason FM left the original edge but erasing that takes care of that problem.

Perfect – thanks for the quick reply. Is easy if you already know how :).

Dean W. Ginther
800 Shumard Peak Rd.
Georgetown, TX 78633 (Oct. - May)
Rapid City, MI (May - Oct.)

See my photography at: http://dean-ginther.artistwebsites.com/

Every time you remember something, your mind changes it just a
little, until your best and your worst memories are your biggest illusions.
From the Expanse Sci-fi TV series

True indeed, Dean.

FWIW, you might not want your phone number and address displayed on the public forum. :wink:

I did look at some of your photography. Excellent work!

Right; thanks.

Dean W. Ginther
800 Shumard Peak Rd.
Georgetown, TX 78633 (Oct. - May)
Rapid City, MI (May - Oct.)

See my photography at: http://dean-ginther.artistwebsites.com/

Every time you remember something, your mind changes it just a
little, until your best and your worst memories are your biggest illusions.
From the Expanse Sci-fi TV series

You do know that each time you reply via email your whole signature is being posted.
So by thanking Dave for pointing it out you are posting it again for all the world to see.

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Now I do; thanks again.