Projet train en bois + rail


Mon problème est simple je suis en train de reproduire des rails de train en bois, juste qu’à là pas de problème, cependant là où est mon problème, j’ai mal calculé mon rail afin que celui se greffe naturellement.

Existe un plugins permettant de faire suivre mon bout de rail (voir photo)


Merci d’avance pour votre aide,

Google translate gives me this:
"My problem is simple I am trying to reproduce wooden rails, just that there is no problem, however where my problem is, I miscalculated my rail so that naturally graft.

There is a plugin to follow my track (see photo)"

Unfortunately, “just that there is no problem, however where my problem is I miscalculated my rail so that naturally graft” doesn’t make any sense to me in English.

Can you clarify, please, what you are wanting help with?

As I understand it, your track pieces don’t line up properly. There’s enough play or loose-ness in the real track to allow for that. In SketchUp it’s a little less forgiving. You can look at the various parts and see if you can move some of them a little to make these ends align. Or maybe you need to adjust the lengths of some of the pieces.

Oui, en faite je voudrais joindre les 2 bouts de mes rails comme l’outil Bridge de Blender où l’on peut joindre les 2 bouts du rail

Existe-il un plug ins afin de faire cela ?


No idea about any plugin or extension.

Not sure if something like this would help, excuse me if it’s not what you’re looking for.
By the way I’m not sure about how to fix those empty sides.

mytry.skp (328.7 KB)

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