Progressively changing the LenZ of Dynamic Sub-Component Copies

I’ve looked everywhere for the answer to this question with no luck…

When using repeating sub-components (copies) within your dynamic component, I know I can position the x,y&z position of the copies (I’ve already managed this) but is there also a way to make each copy scale progressively with a formula (say using the LenZ attribute with the COPY function.

For some background, I’m trying to make a raked (sloping) timber framed wall whose studs not only copy in the x plane, but also get longer as the wall gets higher…

Any ideas would be welcomed…

lenZ: = start height + copy*increase

so for a given pitch at centers

lenz = start height + copycenterstan(pitch)

Thanks a heap pcmoor… I pretty much did this using a formula in the parent dynamic component however got a weird result at different pitches. Could have been my child sub-component was a dynamic component all of it’s own who added a noggin as the stud increased up the rake. Might try to build it again from the sub-component up rather than the other way around…

@pcmoor , I’m trying to figure out how to do a similar thing with a cabinet with different drawer configurations and my brain is tired trying to figure it out! Basically what I am thinking is the user can select the configuration from a list and then the drawer component and copies LenZ reads a formula based on the selection in the list to set the height. Would this be something you could help me out with?

Working Cabinet DC.skp (450.3 KB)

Hi Kevin, I made the cabinet work as per the options

The design can be based as above, if you send a spread sheet with more data on drawer depths, inner draw? etc
I prefer the excel sheet as I can easily enter direct to the options
Working Cabinet DC (1).skp (449.7 KB)

Wow! This is amazing. Thank you so much!