Hi everybody !
I’m trying for the first time to animate a mold where each part needs to have an independent trajectory.
I want to interact with the full mold, and that each piece take its subsequent place, depending on the step. Here is the code i came with :
Main Component, behaviors, onClick :
animateslow(“Z”,if(step>=4,-3.2)) ;
animateslow(“Moule_SL_Middle!Z”,if(step>=5,-2)) ; animateslow(“Moule_SL_Base!Z”,if(step=5,-2,if(step>=6,-5))) ; animateslow(Moule_SL_Base!Y,if(step>=7,150))
So, there is animation on the full mold, and then on the insides components (Moule_SL_Middle, Moule_SL_Base)
If i’m trying each animateslow individually, it works like a charm. If i’m putting them altogether, i have the following messages :
ERROR : could not parse formula: if(step=5, -2, if(step>=6,-5))
ERROR : could not parse formula : if(step>=7,150)
Why ?
How to work through ?
Thanks a lot for your time and help