Preferred video format to upload into the forum

Hi, I was wondering what the file formats for uploading workflow videos and their maximum size. I can currently use Quick time and Mac’s video recording.

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If you mean you want to include a video in a forum post, QuickTime movies work ok, but there is a file size limit. They can be any dimensions you like.

I’m not sure what the limit is, but it’s not very high. If I needed to post a longer video I would upload it to YouTube, then include the link in my forum post. In YouTube you can set a video to be Unlisted, then anyone with the link can still see it, but people browsing your YouTube channel won’t see it listed.

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Thanks Colin

MP4 ist the most common format and should therefore work too, saving to your cloud space or an upload service as WeTransfer or Send Anywhere could avoid the need for creating a YT acount.



for doing video format conversions ‘HandBrake’ (OS) is a great application, enable option ‘Web Optimized’ if you wanna play it in a browser:

But, can those be embedded in a forum post?

one can either upload a MP4 or drag it into the composer same as posting an image.

Posting a link to an externally hosted MP4 on its own line will embed it, e.g. putting this link on its own line

embeds the video:

Eembedding is done by the HTML5 <video> tag which uses a (modern) browsers native player.

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Good to know, thanks.

For any Mac user, who may not have handbrake or other tools for making MP4 files, an MOV from QuickTime Player does work in the forum.

QT works fine for me. Only hard part is not flubbing up the SketchUp moves in the demo.

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QuickTime Player can trim and split videos, and even combine different MOV files. One trick, if you do go wrong in one of your recordings, is to move the cursor back to where it was when you started that part. Then you undo back to that state, and have another go. Using split and delete you end up with a seamless looking video.

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