Hi all!
Im not so skilled with SU and I´m trying to import a new logo of mine into SU so I can make it into a 3D and order a stamp. How hard should this be was my initial thought…
One of the logos lines changes from smooth circle to a “devided” circle and I can´t get in to work regardless of what format I use for import. Pls help, TIA!
It’s difficult to give you guidance without seeing your logo. In what format is the file you are starting with? What does the logo look like?
SketchUp represents circles, arcs, and curves as a series of short edge segments. Your profile says you are using SketchUp 2019 so by now you should be aware of that. There are ways to deal withit and make the edge segments very short but the process depends on what you are starting with.
Thanks for quick response! Are you able to open/look at these files?
Logga CW.dwg (19.1 KB)
Logga CW.ai (1.3 MB)
Show a JPG or PNG of the logo so I know what it’s supposed to look like.
OK. And how large do you want it to be as a 3D print?
Does this look like it would work? I imported the .dwg with units as meters. The outer perimeter of the C was still large segments but it was simple enough to redraw that part. Working in meters I was able to use a large number of segments for the circles. I used 96 sides which is generally plenty.
When modeling for 3D printing, I model as if millimeters are meters. Units set to Meters and .stl export units set to Model Units. Import into the slicer as millimeters.
OMG thanks a lot - seems easy when you know what to do:) I´d like for it to be 20 mm in diameter and 10 mm high.
None of it is terribly difficult but you do have to learn to use the tools. Just like everything else.
So when you get your model done it should look like this.
And the .stl in the slicer, something like this.
Looks perfect:) and as a bottom to make it into a stamp I just ad a box I guess? Thanks for your superfast support!
Sure. If you’re going to use it as a stamp you’ll want to reverse it, of course.
After you’ve made the logo into a solid object, you can model a box and make it a solid object. They don’t have to be combined into a single object in SketchUp in order to print correctly. This will make it simpler to use the logo in other ways if you want.
You’re welcome.
When transferring curves from Illustrator to SketchUp or CAD it is often wisest to prepare them in advance, as the translation might otherwise be unpredictable. Add a lot of nodes to the curves and straighten the resulting segments in Illustrator before exporting to DWG/DXF.