I found these beautiful colours I want to use on my project from the renovation of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. With the free web version I cannot define my own colors. Can somebody please do that for me?
I have enclosed a pdf with the colors and the RGB-values of the colors. And I have made a model “Sikkens Rijks kleuren, Colors Rijksmuseum Amsterdam (empty)” which can be downloaded, filled in and uploaded again without the “(empty)”.
Thanks for the effort and the lightning turn-around-time. The colors seem a little bit off though. When I check them with the color-picker the RGB-values are between 5 and 20 off. How did you generate the model? Did you use the RGB-values from the document? (I used "general RGB, not sRGB, nor Adobe RGB.)
Thanks for explaining what you did. I assume you used the first method you were showing: define the color based on RGB-values; and not the second: define the color with the color-picker?
I have read up on the problem, and a lot of factors come into play with producing the right color: structure, color, light and shade based on date/time/location and different color spaces used by different components like color picker/sketchup/computer. I do not understand how this all works together.
But … I found out I can produce a color in the freeweb version by defining the background color in “Display”. Then I can see I get the same color in the background as in the pdf with the original colors when I use “native values” in the color picker.
sikkens-colors-v2.skp (98.7 KB)
In order not to depend on others when you want to make such simple changes or more complex ones, you can use SketchUp Make 2017.
Note that in a SketchUp model all objects get shading that depends on their relation to the current light direction. By default the light comes from the direction of the camera. When you go to the Shadows tray and turn on eithet shadows or the “use sun for shading”, the light comes from the sun and the shading is regulated by the Light and Dark sliders on the tray. If you turn on “use sun for shading” and set the Light slider to 0 and Dark slider to 80, the colours on screen should look “flat” and match closely the swatches in your Materials tray.
@Anssi. Thanks for the advise. I’ve tried “use sun for shading and set the Light slider to 0 and Dark slider to 80” in SketchUp Make 2017 and indeed the colors look like on the sample.
I can’t find these settings in the free/web version. I can download an .skp from the free/web version in the 2018 skp-version. But this won’t work in Make 2017.