I have spent hours and different methods trying to construct a solid pentagon ball .
I have tried:
A) Flat pentagons as components, “folding” them, joining the corners, then explode.
B) Extruded pentagons after folding, then using solid-union.
C) Other similar techniques.
Inevitibly, at some of the corners, after making solid, they are not connected at the micro-level.
I can successfully solid-union 3-4 extruded pentagons, but evenutally becomes non-solid.
I am drawing at the meter-level, and have tried various accuracies with no luck. This seems like a defect when converting to solids.
Two examples attached, and can create others if needed.
*Note that the red in the example is me manually joining the lines for a bit of clarity.
Thanks in advance.
RTCool Thank you…Funny, I used similar technique, but also several different techniques. The issue is when making it a solid, some of the corners become out of alignment causing it no longer to be a solid.
You are confusing the display format (how angles are presented in the UI) with internal accuracy. The internal accuracy is only limited by computer floating point representation. Most likely 16 or 32 decimal places.
Edit: Go to next scene, and still have the problem. Turn off New Graphics Engine and reopen, and all is fine, so it seemed to be some problem with New Graphics Engine.