Particular view appearing cloudy even with section planes turned off

Hi All,

I have 2 views, both sections, parallel to each other, view aligned to section facing towards each other.

One is appearing as though it is being viewed through a section plane or with additional sections planes behind it or as though it is being viewed through the ground plane.

It shouldn’t be any of these things: section planes are switched off, ground plane is flat (as best I can tell? I have geolocated but not imported terrain as it kept bug splatting… different issue), same style and in fact even if I change the style the cloudiness is retained… I am a bit flumoxed.

I attach screen shot (only the cloudy one as new user and not allowed the clear one for comparison but you can see the issue I think).

Any ideas?


Can you share the .skp file with us so we can get a better look?

Do you have Fog turned on by any chance?

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your reply. I have worked around it, apologies. It was the ground plane, can’t say for certain why the view was through it but I think the vertical face which I had had taken the section off must have been infinitessimally off from vertical (it still shows blue when ‘colour by axis’ is used). Knock on effect is that the section cut was an equally tiny amount off from vertical and took my view point through the ground plane. I have adjusted and saved the view.

Apologies again, silly mistake.

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It’s good that you figured it out. There is a small tolearance for off-axis in which the color by axis edge setting will show on axis.

If your ground hadn’t been set to be somewhat transparent the model would have disappeared entirely. Obvious fixing the model would be the right thing to do but turning off the ground in the style should eliminate the cloudiness.

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