I want to automatically create TopView scenes for the selected components.
If I were to do it manually I would:
Set Camera Parralel Projection >> Open object instance >> Select Top in Views toolbar >> Zoom Extents >> Add Scene.
I have implemented this logic in a Ruby script.
But the result is not the same as performing the operations manually in SketchUp.
The camera location created with the Ruby script is not what I expected.
mod = Sketchup.active_model
selected_objects = mod.selection.to_a
# Parralel Projection
mod.active_view.camera.perspective = false
selected_objects.each{ |object|
# Open the instance
instance_path = Sketchup::InstancePath.new([object])
mod.active_path = instance_path
# Set Top view
# Zoom Extents
# Add new page in model
mod.pages.add(object.name + "_TOP")
# Close the instance
mod.active_path = nil
How can I set the Top View in the local object environment?
I’m probably overlooking something…
is not synchronous. The successive Ruby statements can be executed before the view is done changing.
To speed things up, temporarily switch off scene transitions.
Secondly I don’t think I’d do it the way you’ve done it (ie, using the send_action
Before the iteration, I would setup a camera looking straight down and set it to the view:
center = model.bounds.center
cam = Sketchup::Camera.new(
center.offset([0,0,model.bounds.depth]), center, Y_AXIS, false
view.camera= cam
During the iteration I would zoom(object)
instead of entering in the object’s edit context.
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Thanks @DanRathbun for your comment
In the overall script I already turned off the scene transitions so that it improves the speed.
I didn’t realize / read that Sketchup.send_a is not synchronous
That caused the main problem.
It was indeed successful by setting the camera properly.
tr = mod.axes.transformation
view = mod.active_view
center = mod.bounds.center
new_cam = Sketchup::Camera.new(
center.offset([0,0,mod.bounds.depth]), center, object.transformation.yaxis.transform(tr), false
view.camera = new_cam
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