Outliner Expand All

Dear All,

It would be great if outliner had a few more features, as several on the forums have mentioned. My two desired features are:

  1. Expand All.
  2. Find Invisible

Both of these features solve the same problem, mainly finding a group or component that has been hidden (not visible) but is not where you thought you last put it.

My current model has many many components and groups (sorry Dave). Despite my best effort to use tags for visibility, I still sometimes turn things off or on in the outliner. And maybe also in tags. So I end up with a missing wall sheathing or an errant fan, for example.

So all tags get turned on, but the fan or wall are still missing. So I have to open all the components and groups in outliner to find my missing bits. Either let me find the stuff that is turned off or expand everything so I can just scroll and look for the shady eyes.

Just a thought.



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oh fer crying out loud.