A favourite discussion of mine. I’m a perfectionist in nature (which is a blessing and a curse at the same time).Through the years of using SketchUp I’ve developed my own way of keeping things. Of course there is now “right” or “correct” way of doing this as this is a purely subjective topic but I like when everything is organized, clean and close to perfect.
I have a separate folder, dedicated to SketchUp called SketchUp Stuff (same goes for Adobe products as well btw). Inside are some more folders and inside those folders are more folders. While writing this I remembered the traditional Russian Matryoshka Doll! It’s pretty much the same construction. The path tree would look something like this:
SketchUp Stuff
3D Models (where I keep some very necessary/everyday/hard-to-find models)
3D Trees
2D Trees
3D Water
My 3D Models
Community Resources (where I keep quick example models, screenshots etc for the Community)
IES Lights
Extensions RBZ
Plugins RB
Styles and Templates (where I keep my own carefully created styles for modelling, animation, drafting etc)
Modelling Styles
Drafting Styles
Presentation Styles
Sketching Styles
Templates (where I keep my own templates with specific parameters etc)
There are also some uncategorized files like:
Preferences.dat which hosts a rennovated keyboard shortcut information, which I’ve constructed myself and based on the human subconscious memory
Random documents, listing future project ideas, SketchUp related information etc
Also some very precious, unfinished 3D files buried deep down, waiting for a powerful notebook to handle them…
I keep my materials on the second partition of the hard drive, away from everything, which I’ve just realized is an illogical step. (I’ll move it to SketchUp Stuff as well). That folder includes textures which are categorized by their material or general surface where they’re applied.