Need help - Recovering file

Hello everyone, hope you’re all fine.

I was working on a large file and the file is simply not opening anymore, and it’s a very large project.

It says integrity error. I was searching around this forum and saw someone (named Colin) was able to recover another person’s file with this same error.
Can anyone please help me trying to open it?

Here’s the link Microsoft OneDrive

What version of SketchUp are you actually using? There is no Free Plan SketchUp 2024.

Hello DaveR. I have the trial 2024 installed. I`m not EN native so I choose what seemed to be the right option in the signing up form.

can anyone help me? please?

I tried but couldn’t open the file. Maybe @colin will have some luck.

That’s not the Free Plan. It’s a trial of Pro.

I see. I’m sorry I chose the wrong option. I tried everything to recover the file but couldn’t. I saw some success cases here with the same problem and I wanted to give it a try before losing my mind

While you wait for Colin to try his luck with your file, update your forum profile.

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The file has a lot of errors in it, and I couldn’t recover anything. Do you have the SKB file?

Hello Colin, thanks for trying.

I do have, but I’m afraid the file has the same size, which indicates it’s probably the same file.!ApHYo8Fn-Nb3iYkwzG1QG8X0c81rWw?e=arznwK

That is the same size and the same name. Do you have a file named 100_PEDRA BONITA_MOD_R00_V00 - PRIMEIRO PAVIMENTO.skb in that folder?

Colin, I much appreciate the help, but I recall that OneDrive has shadow files. So, I tried an older version of the file and I was able to open it.
Thanks a lot everyone for the help!!

Have you been working on the file saved directly to OneDrive?