is there a way to calculate the “medium or avarage height” of a Volume?
is there a way to calculate the “medium or avarage height” of a Volume?
It’s not clear what you mean by “average height”. For example, if you are thinking of a collection of buildings and you want to know the average height of their tops, that is one thing (it assumes that the bottoms are not relevant). If you are thinking of a bunch of shapes and you mean the average difference between their min and max z values, that is a different thing.
So, please provide some more discussion of what you need (an example image would be useful).
what I meant is your second option:
the average difference between their min and max z values
So you mean median not medium?
In italy we call it medium height, what I mean is Zmed=(Zmin+Zmax)/2 for two heigts, but I need it for a Volume with several heigts.
OK. The required math is quite simple, but there is to my knowledge no built-in way to do it via the SketchUp GUI. There might be an extension that provides this statistic, but I don’t know of it.
So, that leaves the question: are you comfortable doing some Ruby programming or purely a non-programmer? Also is the volume a group or component?
I am a non programmer,
the volume is a group.
Thanks anyway for your help.
So in English is called median height?
@daniel.piccinelli There is median and there is average. The average is just that, the average of all the values. Median is the value that’s in the middle of the range. See: mean vs. median vs. average : Choose Your Words | Vocabulary.com
English has terms for various statistics:
If you select the group then open the Ruby Console window and copy-paste the following into it, it will calculate the answer:
If the volume is of variable height but with straight vertical sides, you would get the average height by dividing its volume with its base area.
Are you just interested in the highest point and lowest point in the volume? Or something more like the centre of gravity, which is affected by the shape of the volume?
For example the centre of gravity of a pyramid is lower than that of a cube of the same height on the same level.