Medeek Wall

Version 2.5.6 - 12.05.2021

  • Added a “Posts” tab into the Global Settings.
  • Added a Custom Post Library/Manager in the Posts tab of the Global Settings.
  • Enabled custom sizes for Sawn Lumber, Timber and SCL(PSL,LSL,LVL) posts.

This should complete the custom libraries for beams, headers, column and posts.


Tutorial 24 - Custom Libraries (17:49 min.)

A brief introduction and explanation of the custom header, beam, column and post libraries within the global settings.


I’m having some trouble regenarating some walls. There seems to be some strange “pipes” appearing in the model that seem to correlate to the walls I’m having issues with. They are just round cylinders that are located at the corners of walls or junctions… Not sure if the pipes are a bug or a feature, but anyways, see below for errors…

Here are some of the errors…

Error: #<TypeError: no implicit conversion to float from string>
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_cornerconfig.rbe:1778:in `length='
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_cornerconfig.rbe:1778:in `block in check_tee'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_cornerconfig.rbe:1752:in `each'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_cornerconfig.rbe:1752:in `check_tee'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_rectangular_wall.rbe:2753:in `create_wall_geometry'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_rectangular_wall.rbe:1488:in `main_menu'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_rectangular_wall.rbe:552:in `block in rect_wall_regen_menu'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_rectangular_wall.rbe:493:in `each'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_rectangular_wall.rbe:493:in `rect_wall_regen_menu'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_load.rbe:1042:in `block (2 levels) in <module:MedeekWallPlugin>'
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `*' for nil:NilClass>
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_cornerconfig.rbe:1770:in `block in check_tee'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_cornerconfig.rbe:1752:in `each'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_cornerconfig.rbe:1752:in `check_tee'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_rectangular_wall.rbe:2753:in `create_wall_geometry'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_rectangular_wall.rbe:1488:in `main_menu'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_rectangular_wall.rbe:552:in `block in rect_wall_regen_menu'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_rectangular_wall.rbe:493:in `each'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_rectangular_wall.rbe:493:in `rect_wall_regen_menu'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_load.rbe:1042:in `block (2 levels) in <module:MedeekWallPlugin>'

I think it is related to junctions from other walls, because if I drag the wall out by itself and regenerate, I think it works no problem…
Wal62RegenError.skp (886.4 KB)
Wall94RegenError.skp (948.3 KB)

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It’s an error in the corner config algorithm (ie. wall intersections), you are correct.

I don’t know that I’ve seen this error before.

Can you save this file as a new file, then strip everything out except for the walls giving this error and any walls adjacent to these walls (connected) or directly above or below them.

I need to analyze this further to figure out the issue and then rectify it.

P.S. Sorry didn’t see the files, since this response showed up in my email, I’m looking at them.

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Did you see I attached models to my comment? I isolated the groups of walls around the problem walls and identified which wall in question in the file name


Version 2.5.7 - 12.10.2021

  • Enabled opening and closing of single hung and slider windows.


From a design and rendering standpoint I’m not really sure how useful this feature is but it stands to reason that if you can open the doors and garage doors you should also be able to open the windows.

I have not enabled this feature yet for casement style windows.

This feature was added per customer request.

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Version 2.5.7b - 12.10.2021

  • Enabled opening and closing of casement windows.



bandicam 2021-12-11 01-19-41-987

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Version 2.5.8 - 12.11.2021

  • Added awning, fixed-awning and awning-fixed windows to the window module.
  • Enabled opening and closing for all awning type windows.


The size ratio of the fixed to awning windows are 3:1. I currently don’t have a way to customize this size ratio but I will be giving it some additional thought.

Version 2.5.9 - 12.12.2021

  • Fixed a minor bug in the shearwall draw and edit menus.
  • Enabled shearwall panel and fastener callouts/labels.

This additional annotation can be toggled on and off with the Framing Callout option in the General tab of the Global Settings. Eventually I will probably setup a separate callout option in the Shearwall tab of the Global Settings so control can be a bit more granular.

The bug in the menus was a simple typo with the nail size (10d).

The addition of the additional callout/label for the shearwall sheathing and fasteners was per customer request.

I definitely feel like Gable walls and all other “special” walls should be merged into the main wall tool. The parameters are 90% identical, aside from a few additional dimensions.

  • You should be able to quickly toggle a wall from rectangular to gable/other with a simple click.
  • You should be able to share presets for common parameters among ALL wall types.
  • You should be able to copy parameters between different walls types (Like siding, sheathing, etc.) It doesn’t matter if a wall is rectangular or gable, 90% of the time they will share the same siding, sheathing, stud, etc. Doesn’t make sense to isolate these types of walls from each other.

Instead of trying to predict and program specific input fields for all the different possible types of wall configurations as shown below, there should be a way for the user to define their own custom wall shape.

Two ideas:

  1. Use a simple face as a control surface, where the user just draws a polygon, and then the wall is generated based on the boundaries of the polygon. (See Below)
  2. Allow the user to draw/select faces in the model that represent the roof/floor plane, and associate one or more walls with them. When the walls are generated, the height of the wall will extend until it intersects those faces. This would provide a single control source for multiple walls, and if the roof/floor plane needs to move/change, you adjust it once, then regenerate the walls associated with it.

Error when trying to use the Copy Wall tool on a Gable wall. See below:

File load error (c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/MEDEEK_COPY_GABLE_WALL): Could not find included file 'c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/MEDEEK_COPY_GABLE_WALL'
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `show_copy_menu_gable' for #<Class:0x000001f065e121f0>
Did you mean?  show_edit_menu_gable>
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_tools2.rbe:197:in `html_menu_wall_copy'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_tools2.rbe:856:in `calculate_obj'
c:/users/matt/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2021/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_tools2.rbe:794:in `onLButtonDown'
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Currently the wall copy tool is only enabled for the rectangular walls:

I’m giving some thought to your other suggestions, an update may be forthcoming.

I really like the idea of being able to switch easily between wall types, this is kind of a no-brainer really. How hard will it be to make this happen? I’m not really sure just yet, I’ve got to revisit the code that divides these various walls types and see if I can somehow merge it all into one, one code that unites them all.


I would partially agree with you on this discussion with regards to all of these strange wall geometries.

At some point there does need to be a way to allow the customer to generate any polygon shaped wall geometry.

However, there is a few wall geometries that are more commonly used that I do feel warrant their own specific wall type. Obviously I’ve already covered four of those wall types already and as you can tell there is no rush on my part to include all of the others just yet since there are not nearly as common.

Looking at my matrix above it jumps out at me that after we get past the conventional naming scheme and into the arbitrary letter-number naming scheme, those wall shapes can probably be lumped into a “custom” wall type where the user constructs a polygon shape to define their geometry.

The other six remaining wall types that are currently greyed out probably should have their own menus. The inclined shed type would be particularly useful for creating dormers of all type.

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For the custom wall type I would need a generalized framing algorithm, which I can already visualize now.

Wall corners at the start and end of the wall panel would be a bit interesting since they would only really apply if there is a vertical segment that defines the left most or right most extent of the wall panel.

I’m sure there are a few other gotchas that need to be worked out to make this a reality but I can see the possibilities here.


I understand what you’re saying here, I agree that gable and shed should have their own special wall modes. But specifically, I’m trying to say you shouldn’t have a completely separate tool/input window for gable walls or other wall types.

  • I shouldn’t have to redraw a wall just because I want it to be gable. I want to draw all my exterior walls, then go back and just toggle the ones that need to be gables.
  • I shouldn’t have to recreate all my presets for each wall mode because they exist in their own silo’d tool. 90%+ of the parameters are the same. If you have different back-end programming logic for each wall type, navigate that on the back-end instead of forcing the user to use an independent interface.

All you need to do is have an additional dropdown menu in the main wall tool input window called “Wall Mode”, and the user can choose from “Rectangular|Gable|Shed|Custom” etc, and you can just reveal/hide the additional required parameters in the input window.

For wall presets, just save all possible parameters to the preset, but make them optional. Meaning, if I have the wall mode set to gable, and I configure some gable parameters and then switch the wall mode back to rectangular and save the preset, make sure to save the gable parameters too even though they are currently hidden. That way, I can create one preset that I can use for both my rectangular walls and gable walls, all I’d need to do is toggle the wall mode once the preset is loaded.

If some parameters are missing from the preset, just fill in some default values. (While I’m on the topic, This should really be done automatically for all input menus. There’s no reason for a user to experience a regen failure due to blank input values in a menu. You should be able to check for blank values very easily in your code and either present an error message or fill a default value.)


That would also eliminate the need to recreate presets every time you add more parameters. As discussed earlier, using json and hashes would make this a lot easier.


The first step in merging the various wall types is to fix the issues with the presets (ie. move them to a better data structure like JSON).

I’m working on that currently. Once I’ve re-engineered the preset system then I will attack the merging of the edit menus. This will probably take me a couple days at least.

The preset system is updated now I am trying to merge the draw and edit menus for all wall types/families. It’s a fairly monumental task.


I have an unusual request, but hear me out. I have so many Layer/Tags that I try to lump them into Neighborhoods with their initial characters. Since you gave us control of Layer/Tag names, I add my prefix to every layer to make an entire neighborhood of Medeek Layers/Tags. Problem is:

  1. It’s tedious to repeat the same edit over and over, but, admittedly bearable if you only have to do it once.
  2. We still don’t have control over some layer names.

So far I’ve found:

  1. anchor_bolts
  2. door_hw
  3. hangers
  4. holddowns
  5. wall_furring

…which we don’t have control over. Would it be possible to have a single field that is a Layer/Tag “Prefix” in general preferences to be appended to every layer/tag name present (and future)?

Mind you, because of the adage, “Don’t switch horses mid-stream,” I’m still on 2020 and haven’t gotten to nested Tag folders, which could be a factor, thought I know you keep trying to keep this working back to Make 2017.


Some of these layers (ie. the one you have listed) are not controllable by the plugin since these layers are specified within pre-built components. Everything else the plugin creates is controlled by the plugin as far as layers are concerned.

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