Medeek Wall

Version 1.8.5 - 02.07.2021

  • Enabled the “Wall Copy” tool within the Medeek Wall Tools toolbar.

Note I’ve only enabled this tool for rectangular walls. After I am fully confident that it is working well and I’ve addressed any bugs or issues I will set it up for all the other (gable,shed and hip) wall types.

The steps to operate the tool are the following:

1.) Click the tool icon to activate it.
2.) Click any rectangular wall panel to copy the parameters of the wall.
3.) Check the boxes of the parameters you want to copy to other walls.
4.) Modify any of the parameters as desired (optional step). Click update to make the modified parameters “live”.
5.) Click on any wall panels that you would like modified with the “checked” parameters.
6.) Click the spacebar to terminate the tool or the esc key to reset the tool and select a new wall to copy.

Please try out this new tool and provide any feedback or comments directly to


P.S. I’ve thought about setting up a copy tool for other assemblies however there are typically not that many roof or foundation assemblies within a project or model so this sort of tool only really lends itself to walls.