Medeek Wall

Version 1.8.5 - 02.07.2021

  • Enabled the “Wall Copy” tool within the Medeek Wall Tools toolbar.

Note I’ve only enabled this tool for rectangular walls. After I am fully confident that it is working well and I’ve addressed any bugs or issues I will set it up for all the other (gable,shed and hip) wall types.

The steps to operate the tool are the following:

1.) Click the tool icon to activate it.
2.) Click any rectangular wall panel to copy the parameters of the wall.
3.) Check the boxes of the parameters you want to copy to other walls.
4.) Modify any of the parameters as desired (optional step). Click update to make the modified parameters “live”.
5.) Click on any wall panels that you would like modified with the “checked” parameters.
6.) Click the spacebar to terminate the tool or the esc key to reset the tool and select a new wall to copy.

Please try out this new tool and provide any feedback or comments directly to


P.S. I’ve thought about setting up a copy tool for other assemblies however there are typically not that many roof or foundation assemblies within a project or model so this sort of tool only really lends itself to walls.


Awesome! I’ll give it a try this week. (That was really fast, btw)

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I think the new Copy Wall tool will prove to be quite useful. As I am thinking about it this morning I realized that a similar tool for Doors and Windows would also be quite useful.


Version 1.8.5b - 02.08.2021

  • Fixed a bug with the top plate cut out algorithm when walls meet in a “cross” configuration.

Each wall teeing into the primary wall has had its corner offset set to 1/2 the thickness of the primary wall.

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Version 1.8.6 - 02.11.2021

  • Added the following Simpson Strong-Tie hangers to the beam hanger library: LUS26-2Z, LUS28-2Z, LUS210-2Z.

Version 1.8.7 - 02.15.2021

  • Added an option for the garage door track in the global settings.

Currently you cannot set this parameter per garage door, it can only be set globally (in the Garage Door tab).

I’ve had a number of people recently ask me for the ability to apply a wood grain texture to the lumber (ie. studs, plates, blocking, etc…) This really isn’t a big ask, so I am going to enable another couple parameters in the global settings (Material Tab) so that the user can apply a texture to lumber and pressure treated lumber. Here is a first look at what that will look like (compare the wood grain wall to the solid colored wall):

I’ve tried to be very subtle with the wood grain texture so that it approximates my default lumber color but as you can see it is a slightly darker shade. I’m not sure I am entirely happy with it yet but it is a start.

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Comparison between the solid coloring and with the textures enabled (Lumber and PT Lumber):

I am quite happy with the way the pressure treated texture came out.

The two new options in the global settings are shown below:

Eventually this will also allow me to offer even more texture options for the framing (ie. LSL, Steel etc…)


Version 1.8.8 - 02.17.2021

  • Enabled options for wood grain texture for lumber and pressure treated lumber in the global settings.

I am surprised at how little insulation is used in typical Japanese construction of exterior walls:

外壁の基本構成 [Basic Construction of Exterior Walls]

When I lived in Japan 30 years ago (two years as a missionary) I just remember the apartment was always cold and we survived with Touyu (kerosene) heaters and our Kotatsu (table with an electric heater and blanket).

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Is the far side or left side in that image the exterior? With the likes of Passivhaus coming here to the US, you would think these details would be getting more and more universal globally.

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外 = soto = outside or exterior
内 = uchi = inside or interior

This image may be a bit dated, maybe building practices in Japan have updated in the last few (5) years?

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Version 1.8.9 - 02.22.2021

  • Added a “Cedar Siding” built-in material (vertical) into the material library.

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Version 1.9.0 - 02.24.2021

  • Fixed a bug with the end stud height for Shed Walls with an “Inset Outside Corner”.

mdkBIM Introduction (Japanese - 日本語)

A brief introduction of the mdkBIM bundle in Japanese.


A training video suggestion. Maybe this topic already exists and I just missed it but …

Internal - External wall connections ( eg. 2x4 to 2x6 ). I struggle with the definition and application of:

Screen Shot 2021-02-27 at 12.23.22 PM

Thanks for these great extensions and your continued commitment to make them better !

I believe you are aware of this issue, but I struggle with it on a daily basis. I am a Mac user, and yes, probably in the minority. :smirk: Maybe there is a workaround in MacOS, that I have yet to discover. The text in certain user interface buttons is just unreadable (maybe I have an undiagnosed vision problem, so be gentle :face_with_monocle:). Here are some of but a few examples:

Thanks …

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Thank-you for pointing this out. I’m not entirely sure why the text in the HTML controls are defaulting to “White” on the Mac but I am looking into it immediately.

Version 1.9.1 - 02.27.2021

  • Added one additional parameter to the “User Interface” section of the General tab of the global settings. This allows the customization (color) of the text of the HTML buttons.

This should also resolve the issue with the “white” text of the HTML buttons for MacOS.


Wow ! Even more impressed, if that’s possible. Thanks from me and my eyes.
Will you incorporate this addition as you roll out new versions of the other extensions?

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