Medeek Wall

Version 1.0.9 - 04.01.2019

  • Fixed a bug with exterior wainscoting.
  • Fixed a bug with midspan blocking and wall presets.
  • Added the Shearwall toolbar and icons.

The fix with the midspan blocking and the wall presets is a critical fix if you are using wall presets and I would highly recommend upgrading to this latest version of the plugin.

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Version 1.0.9b - 04.03.2019

  • Fixed a bug with the data logging module.

Not exactly a critical fix, just another box to check off. Some of you may have noticed an occasional pop up that warns about an error connecting to the Medeek server. This fix should resolve that minor annoyance.

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Version 1.1.0 - 04.26.2019

  • Fixed the show_modal bug for macOS in the Materials and Headers tabs of the global settings.

I’ve been using Forte for a while now for sizing members, both desktop and now web versions. (The desktop version is what made me go get Parallels and Windows 10 just for that.) They say something about a developer’s kit to send your BIM stuff to their software at the bottom of this page.


Send members to Forte for analysis from your software

We provide the Forte File Format Utility to software developers looking to enhance their software so it exports floor, wall, and roof members to the Forte application for analysis. This allows your customers to skip remodeling spans, supports, and loads in Forte and instead send these calculations to Forte with all the necessary information pre-populated.

Learn more about this interactive guide for software developers wanting to transfer information into Forte files from their own software applications.

Have you ever looked at this?

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I’ve looked into this briefly. I should probably take another look, it seemed like the XML data was quite daunting if I remember correctly. I’m also a big user of Forte so I can certainly see the utility of this.

On a separate note has anyone on Mac tested out the recent fix? I’m still not 100% that it resolves the issue.

What, to Parallels? I haven’t. I’m supposed to have the new version, but I don’t think the right one downloaded.

When I needed Forte the other day for two members, I just used the web version.

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No, the recent fix to the plugin for MacOS.

I installed it, but haven’t used it since installing. What should I look out for?

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If you’re on a Mac, please check the Material tab of the global settings, try to add a material or try to edit a material. Mac users please tell me what you get.

It seems you can’t use the ensuing dialog to do anything as it won’t become the active window. The title bar is greyed out, and clicking anywhere on it won’t bring it forward.

Edit. Closing the Global Settings window makes it active, and creating a new material does work when you recheck by opening the Global Settings dialog again, but the process is counter intuitive.

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Okay, let’s try this again. I’ve uploaded a new version of 1.1.0 with all the show_modal calls replaced with non-modal calls. My conclusion is that show_modal is a complete disaster when using macOS, realistically one can only use non-modal html menus. I’m just hoping now that this does not somehow create issues for users in Windows. I don’t think it will based on my limited testing thus far.

If it does then I simply add some logic which switches to non-modal html menus if macOS is detected. However, I would rather that the plugin behaves in a similar fashion for both operating systems.

Please re-download Version 1.1.0 and let me know what you get.

I wonder if you could do a large project like this in SketchUp? I would probably break it into chunks otherwise the file system would be astronomical:

That seemed to fix it; works the way you would expect. Uninstalling the last version and installing the revision eliminated the custom color I had added. Is that to be expected? Where are the custom colors kept?

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Yes, the uninstall completely removes the plugin folder where all of the custom materials are kept. This is a known issue. I am working on changing it up so that certain custom materials, headers and wall presets are stored outside of the plugin folder.

Again the fix was to remove all non-modal html windows/menus. macOS just does not play well with that feature of the API so its better that we don’t try to use it.


It is cool that layer names can be changed within the global settings. Is there a way to change the default layering of groups, components, and assemblies? I recently started layering exterior walls into an OB_WALL EXT layer and interior walls into an OB_WALL INT layer. It might be nice to have wall labels in a wall_label layer, door dimensions in a door_dim layer, and window dimensions in a window_dim layer. And, door groups in an OB_DOOR layer and window groups in an OB_WINDOW layer. Individual layers for nested groups within an opening group, or a window_item layer for nested groups within a window group (currently wall_window) and a door_item layer for nested groups within a door group (currently wall_door).

Also, it would be great to have exterior and interior defaults within global settings, e.g. door threshold always YES for exterior walls and always NO for interior walls.

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If the wall plugin is anything like the truss plugin, then yes.

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Some excellent ideas on how to to make the layer control more granular. Let me give this some more thought.

Also an excellent point with the door threshold parameter. Currently it is either on or off by default with no regard for interior or exterior walls. I can certainly see the utility in this.

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SketchUp Essentials latest video:


Stair module seems to be easier to use but creates assemblies with less detail compared to Profile Builder default assemblies. To be honest, I’m not completely sure if I’m using either of them correctly.

(Horizontal railing was created with a Profile Builder default assembly.)

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Has anyone ever seen or tried these type of studs?

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