Medeek Wall API

It has been a while since I’ve broached this topic but a very basic API already does exist for the Wall Plugin.

See this post from a couple years ago:

In order to regen a wall:

Medeek_Engineering_Inc_Extensions::MedeekWallPlugin::Wall::MedeekMethods.wall_regen entity

Where the entity is the wall group.

I’ve decided to keep working on this since there seems to be some interest in certain 3rd party extension developers who want to interact with the Wall Plugin. I think a dedicated thread on this topic would be easier to navigate than the huge thread already in existence for the Wall Plugin.

I will be periodically posting snippets of code and other thoughts and ideas to this new topic, stay tuned.

In order to read the basic parameters of any wall here is a small snippet of code (two methods) for doing just that. This code is not copyrighted but is heavily based on my own wall dictionary code for reading the wall parameters into my own plugins (simplified and proprietary information removed).

The wrapping and implementation is arbitrary so anyone can easily take this code and create their own methods for accessing the parameters of any of the Medeek walls within their own code. This chunk of code is primarily to provide an example of how one can access all of these parameters and to also provide a convenient and comprehensive resource delineating what parameters are available within a Medeek Wall.

To quickly demonstrate this code:

1.) Create a wall or two in SketchUp with the Medeek Wall Extension.
2.) Copy this entire block of code into the Ruby Console
3.) Select the walls created so they are highlighted
4.) Type in Mdkbim::MedeekMethods.get_wall
5.) The response for each wall will be given with some of its parameters.

# Define Module Hierarchy

module Mdkbim


# Class Methods of Plugin

class MedeekMethods
  	class << self

def get_wall

	# Validate Selection

      	ss = Sketchup.active_model.selection

      	if ss.empty?
        	UI.messagebox "No Wall Assembly Selected."

	for maingroup in ss

	   wallfamily = maingroup.get_attribute 'medeek_wall_param', 'WALLFAMILY', ''

	   if wallfamily == 'Rectangular'

		# Read Dictionary Attributes with method below
		MedeekMethods.read_wall_params maingroup

		@maingroup_name =

		# Outputs some of the wall variables to the Ruby console for inspection:
		puts "Wall Parameters Successfully Read:"
		puts "Wall Name: #{@Wall_name}"
		puts "Wall Type: #{@Walltype}"
		puts "Group Name of Wall: #{@maingroup_name}\n\n"


	end #End of for loop


def read_wall_params (gdef)

	if gdef.deleted?
		puts "Do nothing, group has been deleted."

	lib = 'medeek_wall_param'
	lib2 = 'medeek_wall_param2'
	lib3 = 'medeek_wall_param3'
	lib4 = 'medeek_wall_param4'
	lib6 = 'medeek_wall_param6'
	lib7 = 'medeek_wall_param7'
	libq = 'medeek_wall_quoin'
	lib8 = 'medeek_wall_incline'

	@Wallfamily = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WALLFAMILY', ''
	@maingrouporigin = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'MAINORIGIN', ''
	@initgrouporigin = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'INITORIGIN', '' 

		@Wall_name = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WALL_NAME', ''
		@Walltype = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WALLTYPE', ''
		@Wall_length = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WALL_LENGTH', '' 
		@Walljust = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WALLJUST', '' 
		@Wallhgt = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WALLHGT', ''
		@Wallhdrhgt = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WALLHDRHGT', ''
		@Stud_depth = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'STUD_DEPTH', ''
		@Stud_width = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'STUD_WIDTH', ''
		@Studspacing = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'STUDSPACING', ''
		@Studdir = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'STUDDIR', ''
		@Std_offset = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'STUDOFFSET', 0.0
		@Studply = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'STUDPLY', 1 
		@Plt_top_num = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'PLT_TOP_NUM', '' 
		@Plt_top = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'PLT_TOP', '' 
		@Plt_btm_num = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'PLT_BTM_NUM', '' 
		@Plt_btm = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'PLT_BTM', '' 
		@Plt_btm_pt = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'PLT_BTM_PT', '' 
		@Wallgroup = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WALLGROUP', ''
		@Framingoption = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'FRAMINGOPTION', ''

		@Framemat = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'FRAMEMAT', 'NO'
		@Advwalloptions = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'ADVWALLOPTIONS', ''

		# Irregular Wall Options

		@Wallhgt2 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WALLHGT2', @Wallhgt
		@Wallhgt3 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WALLHGT3', (@Wallhgt+24.0)
		@Wallpitch1 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WALLPITCH1', 4.0
		@Wallpitch2 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WALLPITCH2', 4.0
		@Wallhand = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WALLHAND', 'LEFT'
		@Wallradius = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WALLRADIUS', 120.0

		# Staggered Studs

		@Stud_depth_ext = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'STUD_DEPTH_EXT', 3.5
		@Stud_depth_int = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'STUD_DEPTH_INT', 3.5

		# ICF

		@Insulextthk = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'INSULEXTTHK', 2.5
		@Insulintthk = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'INSULINTTHK', 2.5
		@Insulextmat = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'INSULEXTMAT', 'EPS'
		@Insulintmat = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'INSULINTMAT', 'EPS'

		# Windows

		@Windowlist = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'WINDOWLIST', ''
		if @Windowlist == 'NOWINDOWS'
			@Windowlist = []

		# Doors

		@Doorlist = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'DOORLIST', ''
		if @Doorlist == 'NODOORS'
			@Doorlist = []

		# Garages

		@Garagelist = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'GARAGELIST', ''
		if @Garagelist == 'NOGARAGES'
			@Garagelist = []

		# Columns

		@Columnlist = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'COLUMNLIST', ''
		if @Columnlist == 'NOCOLUMNS'
			@Columnlist = []

		# SSWs

		@Sswlist = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'SSWLIST', ''
		if @Sswlist == 'NOSSWS'
			@Sswlist = []

		# SWs

		@Swlist = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'SWLIST', ''
		if @Swlist == 'NOSWS'
			@Swlist = []

		# Wall Corner 1

		@Corner_start = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNER_START', '' 
		@Cornerangle1 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNERANGLE1', '' 
		@Cornerstudthk1 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNERSTUDTHK1', '' 
		@Cornerstudqty1 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNERSTUDQTY1', '' 
		@Cornertreatment1 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNERTREATMENT1', ''
		@Corneroffset1 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNEROFFSET1', ''
		@Cornertr1 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNERTR1', 'YES'
		@Corneroff1 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNEROFF1', 0.0

		# Wall Corner 2

		@Corner_end = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNER_END', '' 
		@Cornerangle2 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNERANGLE2', '' 
		@Cornerstudthk2 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNERSTUDTHK2', '' 
		@Cornerstudqty2 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNERSTUDQTY2', '' 
		@Cornertreatment2 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNERTREATMENT2', ''
		@Corneroffset2 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNEROFFSET2', ''
		@Cornertr2 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNERTR2', 'YES'
		@Corneroff2 = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'CORNEROFF2', 0.0

		# Annotations

		@Label_rot = gdef.get_attribute lib, 'LABEL_ROT', 0

			# Advanced Options

			@Wallsheathoption = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLSHEATHOPTION', ''  
			@Wallsheaththk = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLSHEATHTHK', ''
			@Wallsheathcorner = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLSHEATHCORNER', ''
			@Wallcladoption = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLCLADOPTION', ''
			@Wallcladthk = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLCLADTHK', ''
			@Wallcladgap = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLCLADGAP', ''
			@Wallcladcorner = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLCLADCORNER', ''
			@Wallgypsumoption = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLGYPSUMOPTION', '' 
			@Wallgypsumthk = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLGYPSUMTHK', ''
			@Wallinsuloption = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLINSULOPTION', '' 
			@Holdownoption = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'HOLDOWNOPTION', ''
			@Wallsheathvertoffset_t = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLSHEATHVERTOFFSET_T', ''
			@Wallsheathvertoffset_b = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLSHEATHVERTOFFSET_B', ''
			@Wallcladvertoffset_t = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLCLADVERTOFFSET_T', ''
			@Wallcladvertoffset_b = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLCLADVERTOFFSET_B', ''
			@Clad_mat_offset = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'CLADMATOFFSET', 0.0
			@Clad_mat_hoffset = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'CLADMATHOFFSET', 0.0
			@Wallsheathmat = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLSHEATHMAT', ''
			@Wallcladmat = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLCLADMAT', ''
			@Wallgypsummat = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLGYPSUMMAT', ''
			@Wallinsulmat = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLINSULMAT', ''
			@Blockingoption = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'BLOCKINGOPTION', ''
			@Trimoption = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'TRIMOPTION', ''
			@Trimintoption = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'TRIMINTOPTION', ''
			@Wsct_option = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WSCTOPTION', ''

			@Wallgypsum2option = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLGYPSUM2OPTION', 'NO' 
			@Wallgypsum2thk = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLGYPSUM2THK', 0.5
			@Wallgypsum2mat = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLGYPSUM2MAT', 'WALLGYPSUM2_MAT'
			@Quoin_option = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'QUOINOPTION', 'NO'

			@Incline_option = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'INCLINEOPTION', 'NO'

			@Wallsheath2option = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLSHEATH2OPTION', 'NO'  
			@Wallsheath2thk = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLSHEATH2THK', 0.4375
			@Wallsheath2corner = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLSHEATH2CORNER', 'FLUSH'
			@Wallsheath2mat = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'WALLSHEATH2MAT', 'OSB'
			# Rain Screen Options

			@Rainscreen = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'RAINSCREEN', 'NO'  
			@Furring_width = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'FURRINGWIDTH', 1.5
			@Furring_spacing = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'FURRINGSPACING', 16.0
			@Furring_offset = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'FURRINGOFFSET', 0.0

			@Furring_dir = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'FURRINGDIR', 'V'
			@Furring_t = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'FURRINGT', 3.5
			@Furring_b = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'FURRINGB', 3.5

			@Removestudlist = gdef.get_attribute lib2, 'REMOVESTUDLIST', 'empty'

				# Holdown Options
				@Holdowntype = gdef.get_attribute lib3, 'HOLDOWNTYPE', ''
				@Holdownvertoffset = gdef.get_attribute lib3, 'HOLDOWNVERTOFFSET', ''
				@Holdown_ab = gdef.get_attribute lib3, 'HOLDOWN_AB', ''
				@Thd_rod_length = gdef.get_attribute lib3, 'THD_ROD_LENGTH', ''
				@Holdown_location = gdef.get_attribute lib3, 'HOLDOWN_LOCATION', ''
				@Holdown_strap_loc = gdef.get_attribute lib3, 'HOLDOWN_STRAP_LOC', ''

				# Blocking Options
				@Blockinghgt = gdef.get_attribute lib4, 'BLOCKINGHGT', ''
				@Staggerblocking = gdef.get_attribute lib4, 'STAGGERBLOCKING', ''
				@Blockingnum = gdef.get_attribute lib4, 'BLOCKINGNUM', ''
				@Blockingspacing = gdef.get_attribute lib4, 'BLOCKINGSPACING', ''

				# Trim Options
				@Trimloc = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMLOC', ''
				@Trimthk = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMTHK', ''
				@Trimoutoption = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMOUTOPTION', ''
				@Trimwidthout = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMWIDTHOUT', ''
				@Triminoption = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMINOPTION', ''
				@Trimwidthin = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMWIDTHIN', ''
				@Walltrimmat = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'WALLTRIMMAT', ''
				@Trimcut = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMCUT', ''

				# Band Board

				@Trim_band = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMBAND', ''
				@Trim_band_width = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMBANDWIDTH', ''
				@Trim_band_thk = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMBANDTHK', ''
				@Trim_band_cont = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMBANDCONT', ''
				@Trim_band_hgt = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMBANDHGT', ''

				# Frieze Board

				@Trim_frieze = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMFRIEZE', ''
				@Trim_frieze_width = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMFRIEZEWIDTH', ''
				@Trim_frieze_thk = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMFRIEZETHK', ''
				@Trim_frieze_cont = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMFRIEZECONT', ''

				# Skirt Board

				@Trim_skirt = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMSKIRT', ''
				@Trim_skirt_width = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMSKIRTWIDTH', ''
				@Trim_skirt_thk = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMSKIRTTHK', ''
				@Trim_skirt_cont = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMSKIRTCONT', ''

				# Drip Cap

				@Trim_cap = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMCAP', ''
				@Trim_cap_height = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMCAPHEIGHT', ''
				@Trim_cap_depth = gdef.get_attribute lib6, 'TRIMCAPDEPTH', ''	

				# Wainscot Options
				@Wsct_hgt = gdef.get_attribute lib7, 'WSCTHGT', ''
				@Wsct_thk = gdef.get_attribute lib7, 'WSCTTHK', ''
				@Wsct_gap = gdef.get_attribute lib7, 'WSCTGAP', ''
				@Wsct_corner = gdef.get_attribute lib7, 'WSCTCORNER', ''
				@Wsct_mat = gdef.get_attribute lib7, 'WSCTMAT', ''
				@Wsct_ledge = gdef.get_attribute lib7, 'WSCTLEDGE', ''
				@Wsct_ledgeheight = gdef.get_attribute lib7, 'WSCTLEDGEHEIGHT', ''
				@Wsct_ledgedepth = gdef.get_attribute lib7, 'WSCTLEDGEDEPTH', ''
				@Wsct_ledgewin = gdef.get_attribute lib7, 'WSCTLEDGEWIN', ''

				@Wsct_start = gdef.get_attribute lib7, 'WSCTSTART', ''
				@Wsct_end = gdef.get_attribute lib7, 'WSCTEND', ''

				@Wsct_mode = gdef.get_attribute lib7, 'WSCTMODE', ''
				@Wsct_ledgemat = gdef.get_attribute lib7, 'WSCTLEDGEMAT', @Wsct_mat

				# Quoin Options
				@Q_style = gdef.get_attribute libq, 'QSTYLE', 'A'
				@Q_l1 = gdef.get_attribute libq, 'QL1', 16.0
				@Q_l2 = gdef.get_attribute libq, 'QL2', 12.0
				@Q_hgt = gdef.get_attribute libq, 'QHGT', 12.0
				@Q_spc = gdef.get_attribute libq, 'QSPC', 2.0
				@Q_thk = gdef.get_attribute libq, 'QTHK', 1.0
				@Q_mat = gdef.get_attribute libq, 'QMAT', 'QUOIN'

				# Incline Options

				@Wallpitch_bot = gdef.get_attribute lib8, 'WALLPITCH_BOT', 4.0
				@Inclinedir = gdef.get_attribute lib8, 'INCLINEDIR', 'LEFT'
				@Inclineoffset = gdef.get_attribute lib8, 'INCLINEOFFSET', 0.0

	end # End of validity check of group


end # << self
end # MedeekMethods Class

end # Mdkbim

Here is also another relevant post by Matt Donley on reconfiguring Jack and Kings studs:

It should be noted that anyone can add any number of additional attribute libraries and parameters to these standard Medeek Wall groups just so long as the names don’t conflict with the already established naming conventions. The plugin will simply ignore these other libraries/data and this additional data/metadata for the Wall group could be used for any number of purposes (ie. statistics, insulation, solar studies, engineering etc…) by third party plugins.

With a bit of coding one could even use the regen method given above together with additional attribute libraries (data) to create additional geometry within or encompassing the standard Medeek wall group, further augmenting it with additional features, overlays and/or geometry. The SketchUp API being what it is literally makes the possibilities endless.

Some not really topic related things...

:thinking: I think that since this is mainly for developers, it would be better to assign the topic category to [Developers] [Ruby API].

:bulb: It would be nice to use only spaces for indentation. No hard tabs. << Click on it for more…

Currently you are using it in a mixed way:


It might cause some headaches for other developers if you publish the code like this because they have to convert to “standard” indentation.

Maybe it’s worth spending some time learning a “proper” code editor… I know, it can be a hard decision if you’ve used your Windows Notepad for years…(I read before that you use it , I don’t know if it’s still the case?)

The above screenshot made after coping your code to Notepad++.

1 Like

I actually use Notepad++ as my preferred editor of choice however a lot of my legacy code was written in plain old Notepad.


I’m updating the API so that one can either enter in the actual group of the wall assembly or just the instance name of the wall assembly.

In order to regen a wall:

Medeek_Engineering_Inc_Extensions::MedeekWallPlugin::Wall::MedeekMethods.wall_regen 'instance_name'

Where the instance name is the wall assembly name (ie. RECT_WALL_ASSEMBLY_2024110823301222 ).

Medeek_Engineering_Inc_Extensions::MedeekWallPlugin::Wall::MedeekMethods.wall_regen 'RECT_WALL_ASSEMBLY_2024110823301222'

I will also be adding a new API method for moving walls. Note that this method essentially fires up the move wall tool but without the interface or tool, a positive delta-y (float) moves the wall inward and a negative delta-y (float) moves the wall outward.

Medeek_Engineering_Inc_Extensions::MedeekWallPlugin::Wall::MedeekMethods.wall_move 'instance_name', delta-y

An example call might look like:

Medeek_Engineering_Inc_Extensions::MedeekWallPlugin::Wall::MedeekMethods.wall_move 'RECT_WALL_ASSEMBLY_2024110916480984', 48

Note that the delta-y is the amount to move in or out in inches.

Here is an example of moving a wall with the wall_move method using the Medeek Wall API:


There is not a lot of people using the API, at least not that I am aware of, but what this does it open up the possibility for the other Medeek extensions (and any other extension) to interact with these walls and adjust them as required.

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