Medeek Extension Suite and Imported DWG files

I’m entertaining purchasing the Medeek BIM Extension Suite and have some questions regarding it’s utility for using on imported DWG files into Sketchup Pro. Does it work when I apply these extensions on an imported DWG file from a PDF file that is sent to me by a homeowner or architect?

In my workflow, I routinely import DWG/DXF/IFC/PDF files. Some PDF files are vector based, which is preferred. I then scale and lock the imported file. I use the imported file for reference only and re-draw ( trace over ) the file in SU. I then use the Medeek extensions to add the 3D dimension. The original 2D SU file is ultimately used for Layout. The Medeek extensions can be used in 2D and 3D modes. Using the extensions save me time and money. Excellent, fast support directly from author. There are on-going posts for the individual extensions that would be beneficial in understanding other workflows.

Thank you. I think I’ll go ahead and pull the trigger and get the suite.

If what you import is vectored, like DWG in particular, you can trace over it, and the cursor will snap to end points etc in the imported tracing guide. That will work with Medeek tools. My normal workflow is to draw plans in another 2D CAD app anyway, bring it into SU and (mostly) trace over them.

If you look at my examples in this post, you can see the imported floor plan I used along with the Medeek model.