Man, I miss you guys

I was just talking to new ‘co-worker’ who I had introduced to Tyson, so he had been listening to old livestreams… specifically the Lightsaber build from 3 years ago. Anyway, he had noted hearing my voice in that context, so I had to go look it up.

Long story short, I miss Friday afternoon livestreams. I miss 3 livestreams a week during Covid. And I miss getting to just joke around with everyone real time.

I hope you’re all well and still actively sketching and giving the stream team a hard time.


Hi Jody.

Great to hear from you.

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Hay Jody! Great to hear from you. Miss ya and all the fun we had on the livestreams. And we even learned somethin’ too. Yup we have been giving Aaron, Tyson and the guys lots of trouble for ya! All the best, Transom (Steve)

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Hey Jody- man we miss you too!
Can you give us an update of what you’re up to these days?
I really hope all is well.
P.S I’m still waiting for my ‘finish this house’ competition prize!

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