I am new in SketchUp and using SketchUp Make for my first model and i found some interesting tools like iRender nxt and v-ray to render your model realistically but i found they just mean to make images( I am not sure but after search i just found there result on images) I know rendering is performed for images or video but i want to register my model in SketchFab today and i didn’t able to find any cool predefined material in SketchUp like in I Render Nxt so i want to make my model very realistic like they show up in images on Youtube videos . So there is just export option i found to export my model and the result is not like those plugins .
Please help me i want my full 3d model real not a image or video
There are a lot of videos on YoutTube, and it would be nice to see a link to one of them so I/we can calibrate what constitutes realism to you.
The images which have been generated by any of the rendering engines take time to process, and often, quite a lot of time. . . So it’s not possible to achieve results past a certain level directly within SketchUp. Mainly because most people want to be able to have a responsive performance while building up a model in 3D – and that’s the realm which SketchUp excels in.
Simple actions like panning, orbiting, zooming, and extruding surfaces within your SketchUp model, can’t happen in real time, if the requirements are also to be able to see that happen with the same realism that you see in the static rendered images.
I would recommend that you take a good look at Daniel Tal’s book ‘Rendering in SketchUp’. That provides a nice road map for how this whole process works, and after seeing what’s involved, I think you’ll have a better understanding for why these renderings are always static images.
Simply stated you can’t have the best of both worlds. . . SketchUp is designed to create and build 3D models from scratch, And the many Rendering plugins/programs are designed to apply lighting effects onto a 3d model (already created). If we were all using computers much more powerful than we currently have – then to a certain degree we could work within SketchUp and see these rendering being generated in realtime as we pan, and orbit around in our models. But unfortunately we’re not quite there just yet.
Anyhow, As you’ve mentioned, you do have a sample for how you want SketchUp to look, and if you show us a link to that video your trying to match, people around here will be able to tell you what combination of settings might be in use. SketchUp can provide some form of realism. . . and all well produced renderings start off with a good SketchUp model that starts to look realistic in it’s own right. That typically happens because of a good use of materials – specifically materials which have been properly applied to your models geometry. . . Materials that have been correctly positioned, and scaled to fit the geometry in question.
These materials might also have been found or purchased on the internet from any number of available sources. SketchUp only has a limited starting library in order to get you up and running. But that’s not the only option, and more often than not, you’ll find better materials option if you go looking for them. . . and for that matter you may very well need 2 or 3 of the same thing – scaled differently so that they can be applied to different size surfaces within the SketchUp model.
The lighting effect in SketchUp also come into play. turning on shadows, and then adjusting them can go a long way towards creating realism on the fly. But you’ll run into performance issue at some point, depending upon model size, and specs of your computer.
Agian, I recommend Daniel Tal’s book ‘Rendering in SkecthUp’ for a nice overview of what’s required in producing realistic effects.
As a practical suggestion for getting good results on this forum. . . I think that happens best when you have a clear goal in mind, and more importantly, it’s shared with the others so they don’t have to guess about what the details are.
You have an image in mind of a style/effect which you’d like to create,… and I’d also like to see it, if possible. . . But it would be even better if you also had your own example of what you’ve come up with so far… At least then we’d have a starting point and an ending point, where specific advice can be given for what you may need to do.
In absence of that we’re stuck with having to guess. And I don’t always do that all that well. But of course, other’s often do, so. . .
Take Care, and I hope this is somewhat helpful.
re: Books on SketchUp – I recommended the Daniel Tal book because it has an emphasis towards rendering, which is what I thought you wanted to focus on.
This is the equivalent of wanting to run before you walk. . . which I have no problem with – you can’t break your computer doing this, you’ll just waste a lot of time trying to troubleshoot various modeling/rendering issues, while having no understanding of what the nature of the problem is. Eventually you’ll pick the basic skill set one way or the other, as it’s a requirement for obtaining the best results on the rendering side.
If you’re interested in books on using SketchUp and learning good techniques for creating your model in the first place. . . Then check out ‘SketchUp for Dummies’ by Aidan Chopra. Aidan also has many tutorial video’s he’s posted up on line. His book and videos are a great place to start. . . and you probably should start with these.
Daniel assumes a certain level of modeling proficiency with the advice he offers. Whereas Aidan provides a good foundation which will serve you well into the future. Aidan also introduces the world of 3D printers in his book, if that’s of any interest to you. and it also cover some rendering topics as well, so if you only wanted to buy one book consider this one as well.
Thanks for the info .
Really appreciated
More resources for renderers, materials, etc.
Thanks for this useful link