Logging into Warehouse inside SketchUp

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has had a similar issue. I am trying to login to the either warehouse with my google account but I get this error:

We’ve detected a problem with your cookie settings.

I have my cookies turned on and clear my cache in chrome, but I still get this error when I try to login through sketchup’s warehouse browser.

Thanks in advance!

Working on a PC-windows 10, sketchup Version 19.2.222

What version of SketchUp? Please complete your profile.

Oops sorry,
I am working on a PC - windows 10, sketchup version 19.2.222

How about fixing up your profile so we won’t have to ask again.

There is apparently some server maintenance going on today. Quite a number of reports of issues. It does appear the team knows about it and they are working on getting things back into working order.

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