Layers and Copy Paste Operations

Yes, but you could draw boxes around text and arrows and other stuff that’s intended simply as an overlay to the main model. Stuff like that can be shoved on another layer without the geometry police frowning at you.

Would it not be more appropriate to say that Layer0 should never be hidden?

This may only serve to confuse the issue rather than to clarify it. If everything is created on Layer 0, including annotations and dimensions, it is very easy to move select entities to a different or new layer after performing the initial operation or before editing. I prefer the workflow that derives from the generally accepted procedure of keeping Layer 0 as the primary repository for all raw geometry.

I see. That is definitely helpful to understand that premise. You’re correct that I was definitely expecting similar functionality as other CAD programs. I find it odd though that it would necessarily work in the same way, but like you said, I shall suspend my expectations and work with how it is. Perhaps I can hope some sophistication will be included in the app in the future to help diagnose these issues once they become corrupted. Thanks for taking the time in providing those additional resources.

The answer is to model on Layer0, i.e. to create edges and faces (basic/raw geometry) on Layer0.

But then why is there an option to change the active layer?

  1. In case you need dimensions, text, guides “on” certain other layers you may want to change the active layer. So you don’t have to change their layers one by one later through ‘Entity Info’.
  2. Same thing applies when you wish to import components (or images) into modeling space from the ‘Component’ browser or from elsewhere and want them directly “on” another layer.

Actually you assign a layer to…
Layer can best be seen as a visibility switch. Unlike layers as in other programs
Each entity has such a switch. Raw geometry have (should have) their switch called Layer0.

p.s. I don’t think dimensions, text and guides (and images) should be considered geometry.
Their switch may be called other than Layer0.
Sometimes you may still want to assign another layer to raw geometry. So you can, as long as you have good reason in your workflow and know exactly what you are doing.