JPEG floor plan: imported,retraced,how only traced lines now?

hi guys,
First I wanted to import and retrace a floor plan, which I did by exploding and using the material.
Now that I have drawn the lines that I wanted to trace I want to remove the background floor plan image.

I wanted to keep the outer walls and a few elements and start playing with the rooms and other structures. For this I need just the lines that I could later have as a layer with flexibility to turn on and off (ground floor/upper floor).

Perhaps a very basic requirement, but I have been watching many tutorials and still didnā€™t see any yet covering this part.

Thanks for your help.

So you want to delete the image you traced? Since you made it a material, go to the Materials window, find it in the In Model library and delete it.

There really wasnā€™t any need to explode it to create a material. You could have just left it as an imported image, traced over it and the selected and deleted it when you finished with it.


Thanks a lot. It worked :smile:

Being a complete novice I only have a slight idea what explode does. I am guess it make sense when a component or an object has many ā€˜partsā€™ to it then exploding would make all those parts available as materials. not sure though.

Maybe I would learn more as I go forward :smiley:


If you donā€™t learn as you go forward, thereā€™s a problem. :wink:

Exploding an image that has been imported as an image (as opposed to importing it as a texture) converts the image to a texture/material on a face. Thatā€™s useful if you want to use the image as a texture but if you only want to use it as a reference and then discard it, thereā€™s no need to explode it.

Exploding components removes their wrappers and leaves loose geometry. It has its uses but faces and edges canā€™t be used as materials. Remember that components can be modified without exploding by editing them instead.

Place your iimported image on its own layer, Name it ā€œImagesā€ for example. Trace the image using lines on Layer 0. Turn the image layer off, when you only want to see traced lines.

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