Is this code supposed to generate a table in layout?

Is this code supposed to generate a table in layout?
If I open the file I don’t see a table…

def openLayoutDoc()
  @layoutfilename = UI.openpanel("Open Layout File", "c:/", "LAYOUT Files|*.layout||")
  myarray = @layoutfilename.split('.')
  UI.messagebox("Not a layout file, please open a layout file and try again") unless == "layout"

bounds =, 1, 4, 4)
rows = 4
columns = 4
table =, rows, columns)
doc =
doc.add_entity(table, doc.layers.first, doc.pages.first)
anchor_type = Layout::FormattedText::ANCHOR_TYPE_TOP_LEFT
start_point =, 1)
text ="Hello LayOut", start_point, anchor_type)
table[1, 1].data = text

Most likely because there is no save method applied after the changes on that particular Layout document. (Otherwise I did not checked the ccde)

The #save method saves the Layout::Document to a file at the given path.

Thanks @dezmo.
It was partially the problem. The problem was also that the file was opened.
So I have to test if file is opened and force user to close it. After that, place the table and save the document.

You don’t need these …

myarray = @layoutfilename.split('.')
... unless == "layout"

Just use something like …

  msg = 'Not a layout file, please open a layout file and try again.'
  UI.messagebox(msg) unless File.extname(@layoutfilename) == ".layout"

(Reminder use shorter code lines for clarity.)

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