Is it possible to move an object along two axis in the same move? IE without selecting a move point a second time?

Hey community! It seems like this should be easy, yet despite hours of searching here, I have not found an answer.

Is it possible to move an object, first snapping to one axis, moving it a distance, THEN moving it along another axis for another distance, all in one “move?”

I’m sure I’m not the only one, but I have been losing a lot of commutative time by having to select an object multiple times just to get it from Point A to Point B. Here’s the scenario: I want to move an object precisely from Point A to B. This movement requires a movement on the X AND Y axis.

Here’s how I currently move it, and so far the only way I know works: I select a move point on an object, I tap an arrow key (such as Right, X), to move the object along that axis. I then click to place the object on that Axis. I then have to grab a Move point on the object AGAIN, and then move it along the second axis (Left, Y) to place it in its final destination.

Is there a way to travel along both axis without having to place and grab a move point a second time every time? I know it’s not a big move for a single object move, but after thousands of these movements, this adds a LOT of time.

I’m crossing fingers that I’m missing something simple! Thanks community!

If A is the the “move” point and B is an existing:

  • endpoint or midpoint or
  • intersection between guide and edge or between two guides or
  • intersection between guide and face or between edge and face

then yes, you can move the object directly from A to B

Otherwise you can move objects (or any selection) relative to point A to point B by entering X, Y and Z values, as long as you know the differences between A an B.

Move from A to B by grabbing object at A and move it <3m,7m,2m> to move it 3m along red, 7m along green and 2m up (where B is)

Hey W3Dan, thanks for the reply!

For the sake of argument, let’s say that Point B is not any of the examples you mentioned (because I know what you’re saying, if it is, you can just move the move point directly to one of those endpoints in the model).

Yes, I’m aware you can move the object along multiple Axis by entering specific values, but what if I don’t know the specific values? What if I simply want to move an object along the X/Y plain, and not have to click move points over and over?

What’s frustrating is this is basically possible when using tape measure or drawing lines. You can hover over the mid point of a line, for example, then move the other direction once it is “inferencing” that point, effectively moving X and Y axis in the same 'move." but in terms of the actual “Move” tool, a similar effect does not appear to be possible, unless I’m missing something!

I see no difference in drawing an edge from A to (*)some direction not aligned to only one axis and moving an object that way.
The target is unknown unless followed by value input. The direction can be locked if you first inference a known endpoint, intersection etc. (see previous post) by holding down [Shift]. Or parallel to or perpendicular to an edge or locked on a face.

(*) Since you work in 3D on a 2D screen SketchUp needs some extra information from existing geometry (= B or in direction of B) and locking to that certain direction.

All valid points, but unfortunately not helpful for my use case. Regarding your “I see no different” note, the difference is this: it still requires an extra step.

My use case: I’m not moving to a “precise” point. In fact, what I really want to do is be able to fluidly move an object around to “audition it” in different places. Imagine a tree on terrain, for example. Or a sofa in a different room of a house. I want to just be able to move the object around the X/Y plain in order to see where it “feels” best, IE not a specific point.

As an example here, the 3D rendering app Blender allows the following command: Move on Axis NOT Z. This allows me to fluidly move an object around on the X/Y plain in one move, without the risk of it moving or snapping on the Z axis as well.

It does not appear that Blender has this type of command, which is a bummer. But I guess I’ll have to deal!

Don’t use an arrow key, just grab it and move.

Thanks for the reply Box. What if I want to move it around without moving it in the Z direction at all, or without snapping to something that affects the Z position of the object?

@wildheartranchjt, yes, furthermore and just move on xy plane (or on xz plane or on yz plane after orbiting to change the view) or on plane of face of any face. without using the [Arrow] keys. Maybe only [Shift]

In theory this would work great. in practice, there are a million things in my models that an object can try and snap to along those planes, regardless of the view. that’s what’s nice about the Move on Axis arrow commands, it just reliably moves an object in a certain direction bypassing things. The bummer (for me, alone apparently haha) is that you can’t lock this type of movement for more than one direction in a single move.

Yes, holding shift while using the move tool will lock to the plane.
GIF 19-03-2024 10-33-24 AM

Hi Box, Hmmm… I really want that to be true, but I don’t think it is. in your example, I think it’s staying on that plane only because you’re hovering over that X/Y rectangle. if I move an object around open space and hold down the shift key, I can move it in any direction still, X, Y, Z, etc.

Note how I move the mouse to the corner of the upright face and the object remains on the z plane, only at the end when I release shift does it attach to that corner.
Note at the beginning I start to move on face and the dashed line is faint, then goes bold, this is when I hold down shift. If you hold down shift while on axis it will stick to that axis, but off axis is different. This is the way it used to work before the arrow keys were added.

It has to have a face to inference to. Once inferenced you can move off the face.

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Got it! I see what you’re saying. You’re basically snapping to that specific face. And yes you can move it off the face, but you’re snapping to the angle of that face. That certainly helps what I’m looking for, thanks Box! It’s not the exact answer I was hoping for (again, I was more hoping purely free-form X/Y axis movement regardless of specific surfaces) but this is most definitely closer to what I’m going for! Thanks so much Box.

You can see here the object is well above the face but I can still inference to that face.
GIF 19-03-2024 10-57-58 AM

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