Is it possible to control "Dark" or "Light" on web version?

I can control them on the installed version, but I can’t find these sub menu on web version.
So other side is very dark cause of shadows. (On face is bright, other side is dark)
I would like to be brighter as same as installed one.

No. At least currently there is no option to adjust light and dark shadow sliders in the web versions of SketchUp.

Please complete your forum profile with operating system and graphics card.

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Hi DaveR.
Thank you for your reply.
So isn’t there a solution to make the whole thing brighter? :pensive:

Turn the shadows off?

Your profile says you are using SketchUp Pro. You could open the file in Pro and adjust the sliders. Then publish it back to Trimble Connect and open in the web version.

Maybe some day they will add Light and Dark sliders to the Shadow controls but who knows?

It turned dark.

Yes, actually imported the file that looks bright from my devise, but it doesn’t work on web.
haha hope they do it soon.
Thank you so much for helping me. Arigato~ :slight_smile:

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I tested it before replying and setting the shadow sliders in Pro worked fine. Do you have a scene with the shadows enabled? Did you update the scene after adjusting the Light and Dark sliders? Here’s an example:

Dark shadows in SketchUp Go.

Opened in SketchUp Pro and sliders adjusted.

Published back to Trimble Connect and opened in SketchUp Go.

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Thank you so much. It works…!

Thank you fr your kindness.

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