iPad Sketchup "File Version Warning"?! Help!

I recently bought the package so I can use Sketchup on my iPad in addition to using Sketchup Web version. All of the sudden today I am getting the following error when I open up Sketchup on my iPad: “File Version Warning: This model was created in a newer version of Sketchup. While it is still readable, some information may be ignored and will be lost if it is resaved.”

Previously, I had been able to work between the Sketchup web version and the iPad version because I saved to the cloud. Now I cannot work. Anyone else run into this and know a solution??

The iPad app was updated a few of days ago, to 6.5. Could be worth seeing if you’re up to date.

I checked, and the web version is now giving SketchUp 2024 format files, so is the latest iPad app. If you are using the 6.4.3 iPad app, it’s still using SketchUp 2023 format files.

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