We’ve launched a new program to improve the quality of 3D Warehouse product models, the Certified Content Developer program. This program is how skilled SketchUp modelers who work with product manufacturers can get certified by us, and how product manufacturers can find certified providers to create SketchUp representations of their products.
As part of this program, we’ve created a number of resources and tools to help Content Developers create great 3D Warehouse models.
Come help us improve the quality of 3D Warehouse product models!
Question: Will certified models be in their own warehouse or just indicated (and searchable) as such within the existing warehouse? As an amateur modeler I’d like to think that people will still be looking at my models (some of which I think are pretty good).
There is no need to worry, content created by Certified Content Developers will reside within the existing warehouse alongside all of the other great content created by our 3D Warehouse community members .
There used to be a link to it in the programs section, but it’s not there anymore. While it still could be usefull, thee manual intervention was not scaleable, I guess…
The program itself was useful in how to create ‘lean and mean’ models so that designers could easily use manufacturers products in larger models with the right information.
The 3D Warehouse shifted towards a product and models approach, where content of ‘verified’ developers can have access to featured catalogs and bulk uploaders.
If you are recognized as a manufacturer, you now automatically are ‘verified’ where it used to be ‘certified’
( I created a login some time ago of Meccanoo and it’s turned into a verified manufacturer)
With the introduction of Live Components, it’s now shifting towards the automated and configurable models using the new way of creating models.
With the introduction, there was a link exposed in the webinar for early engagement for manufacturers.
Hi Vicvoon! Thanks for the reply MikeWayzovski!
The “Certified Content Developers” program is being redesigned and is no longer active right now. I think in the interim, content developers could upload samples and decide on a recognizable hashtag to add to their description, like #contentdeveloper for instance. Then when individuals or businesses are looking for someone to design a project for them, it will be easy to find and evaluate the work of potential content providers. It’s not a perfect solution and negotiations would still need to occur outside of the platform. Will keep everyone posted as new programs are (re)introduced.
Any ETA when the program will be back? I got my certification a while back and wanted to start looking into ways to work with manufactures to develop content for 3D warehouse. Willing to be a test dummy or beta anything for you guys!
There may be an option on the horizon. It’s still very early.
If anyone wants to have a call with Jake and I let me know via DM. We’d like to conduct an interview to see if we’re on the right path for future functionality.
This idea is a bit different. Still a bit early to get into detail with it, but it would involve a showcase of your designs and special designation for quality. We’re still designing the program and collecting feedback and suggestions.