Intersecting Compound Miter Angles

I’m building a display case and it has compound mitered angles but I don’t know how to get the angles to meet one another on the back side (for strength of construction). Here are two shots that explain what I mean. Like I know how to draw it so the inside angle is flush but not that outside angle and its doing my head in.

Can you share the model file?

If you’ve already mitered the piece on the side, perhaps you can use Trim from the Solid Tools to trim the top piece.

PST Model V3.skp (189.3 KB)
Attached thanks for your help!

Gotta run an errand. I’ll be back.

Sorry for the delay. Does this show what you want? Did I get the pieces arranged the way you need? If I did I’ll show how I did it.

PST Model V3 dr-v_2018.skp (157.5 KB)

Yes thats perfect - how did you do that?! Thanks so much!

Hmm I think you’re replying to a different person?

Yeah. Sorry.

I’ll see if I can make a video to show what I did.

I’m looking at the model you sent a little closer and a few things are off from what I had initially sent. Can I Venmo you like $50 and have you fix them for me?

Nah. Sorry. But you should be able to edit the components to make them right.