Please go back to my first post and maybe try the sketchup courses i mentioned.
I looked at your latest model. I think you would be time ahead if you start fresh using what you’ve been taught in this thread.
Probably because the walls are in a group?
Sorry for the late reply and thanks to every who replied. I redid the whole thing and end up with the same issue. I’ve made a little video of me trying to group them. First, they are all “apart” and AFAIK not in a group (explode is greyed out). I then select all walls that are on the same tag and click “Create group”. The group is created and all internal sides of the wall are not in the group with the outer walls.
All your video shows is you making a group. And it indicates you still have that raw geometry on tag and not untagged.
Anyway. Have you tried pulling the walls up?
But after the creation you can clearly see the blue outline changes and is no longer inside. And when I then select an inner part of the wall it’s just that part of the inner wall, but when I select an outer part the whole group of outer walls gets selected. When I select the outer walls I cannot pull them up, the icon shows a lock.
Explode everything. Or start over. Do not put anything on a separate tag. Ever. Unless it’s a group or component. Under no circumstances should you put the inner and out edges of a wall on separate anything. Ever.
If you have a face that you can select, use push pull. If it doesnt work it means you have failed to create a plane or you’ve managed to group geometry that restricts it from completing a face.
I just don’t get it. I explode everything 'till there’s no single group left. I untag everything. I right click any wall and go Select > All Connected. Then I hold SHIFT and click all “floors” inside the building to deselect them. I see it’s all “untagged”. I do Create group and again only outside walls are in the group.
I clearly see you made a group, indicated by the selection being replaced by a group. To select and edit just double click on a group.
Sketchup is acting normally.
So you cannot use a rectangle as a wall and add the whole thing to a group and than assign that group to a tag?
Yes you can of course. That’s what you should do.
But that’s what I did. And I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. For a test I just started fresh, added a simple rectangular shape using the Rectangle tool. It’s untagged, and has an inner part which is the floor I guess. I select it using the Select tool by clicking and dragging over it. I hold SHIFT to remove the floor from the selection, I right click and press Create group. The inner walls don’t have the outline anymore. When I click on the inner walls, they just select each individual section, when I click the outer wall, I get the whole rectangle/group.
Is my software broken in any way? I just don’t understand. I’m pretty good at software/computers and I do have experience with CAD software, just never used SketchUp. I’m also familiar with Photoshop, programming etc. I must be doing something wrong, but I just can’t see what. Why is the inner part not inside the group while it was clearly selected before pressing Create group. It’s also just a simple rectangle without anything modified or added to it…
EDIT: I just did the one thing that no one really talked about and that is NOT deselecting the floor. And OMG, it works. But I don’t want to pull the floor up… So how would I “fix” that? I want a group of the walls only, right? I also forgot to mention I use the offset too on the rectangles to create “walls”.
You’re grouping edges but leaving out the faces!? If you do that then you can’t push pull. You have to have a face to pull so leave the face in the group!
Yes you do. That’s how it works.
But a face is just two connected edges, right? so how would I “leave” them out when selecting the whole wall, expect the inner part of the “room”.
No a face is bounded by at least 3 edges. It is a closed shape. Two edges cannot make a face, that’s impossible.
So, my room is just filled? That’s not how I see others do it in video guides though.
You pull up the face that becomes the wall. Draw a rectangle. Pull it up. It’s a wall. Done.
Oh, I think I get it. I can’t create a rectangle and offset it inside and think of it as a “room” with an inner part of the room and an inner and outer part of a wall. Because I’ve watched about 3 videos on YT now that all seem to create their plans that way.
Yes you can! Offset it. Then click the face that you want to become walls, and pull it up!