
Hi, please see the attached image…and if you can give me an advice for how to
solve my problem…thanks

Sorry…but no one is able to give me a hand…Beppe…

Hi Beppe :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

there is no direct correcting in the Components Option Dialog for typing, and I do not think there is a possibility to manipulate the input.

The only way I can come up with is to add another attribute which references the limit (The Limit itself also as an attribute, btw):


Hello thank you very much for the fast response…thanks again for the help…hello

Unfortunately dynamic component are limited in what they can and cannot do. There is much room for improvement but I heard nobody is working to improve the plugin sadly.

To answer your question, as far as I know, the dynamic component only update when there is a change to it or if you press “right click > redraw”. So theoretically if you enter a valor, and its over 5 as you say, its only going to go back down to 5 after you pressed apply, that is if your condition is correctly written.

It is not about updating after a change, I think the OP is trying to have control over the input in the Components Option Dialog.

User enters 12, hit apply and then the input value is automatically updated via the Formula
IF (Input<25,25,Input)
to 25

Yeah I think we are talking about the same thing… didnt look at his equation so I guess thats what he is having difficulty with?

Anyways, you can embed multiple condition inside each others as well. For instance if you need a number to always be between 10 and 20 you could say;

=IF ( input > 20 , IF ( input < 10 , 10 , input ) , input )

So if you its over 20, its going to check if its also under 10, if yes then its going to be 10 if not, its going to be whatever valor has been entered.

But yeah, maybe I missing what he is having difficulty with?

I think Beppe’s idea is not to program the dynamic component’s behavior, but the dynamic component dialog’s behavior. I believe this is not in the scope of what dynamic components can do (and are supposed to do).

What you can do is:

  • The user types in a value for prof_nicchia and the exact value is displayed (e.g. 2). This cannot be changed.
  • But the dynamic component behaves according to the constraint:
    If the value is less than the lower limit 5, it takes the lower limit, otherwise the actual value.

You achieve this if you insert in the equation

  • instead of the actual value Nicchia_Arco_Frontale!prof_nicchia
  • an expression that applies the constraint:
    IF ( Nicchia_Arco_Frontale!prof_nicchia < 5, 5, Nicchia_Arco_Frontale!prof_nicchia)
    or a max function (I don’t know if it exists):
    MAX (Nicchia_Arco_Frontale!prof_nicchia, 5)

:bulb: You can combine two conditional expressions (IF) or a max and a min function to make sure the value is between a lower and upper limit.

The question is indeed about the ‘This cannot be changed’ part. No matter what (nested) IF statements, the entered value in the components dialog box still displays the entered value, hence my workaround with another attribute.

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Hi all, first of all thanks to the participants of the discussion to my request for help…considering that it is just time that i use DC and I have to learn much of their language within…thanks to your advice, I have tried to modify it in this way…see attached image…thanks

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Thank you for these further clarifications…

Seems like a pretty good workaround

Thanks…MikeWayzovski, is exactly what I meant to say, explained clearly in your file DC.gif…
