Info for a beginner in SketchUp

Hi to all,
I’m new with this forum and with sketchup! I use this program for hobby… Now i’m modelling my house and i find several issue!!!
All problem is because I’m new and I’m not very good with this magnific program!
Can I ask you how solve some issue?!
If it is possible I attach (but for now i not find how) at this thread the skp that I’m creating…
first of all I have problem with secondo floor of my house: like in a tutorial I print first floor and, using rectangular, I cover my first floor. in this way all internal wall as visible at the second floor.
All second floor (and base rectangular) are in a new layer, but if I turn off the layer of first floor there are some “hole” where there are the internal wall of first floor.
How I can solve this issue?
Massivillavalle_6.skp (187.0 KB)

Welcome! To upload a file (a SketchUp model .SKP file, or an image, or whatever), use the seventh button from the left when composing a message - it looks like an inbox tray with an up-pointing arrow. I’m not sure what are the restrictions on uploading for a very new forum member. A general restriction is a limit on file size of 3MB maximum.

Regarding the modeling issues you are facing, I noted you are using layers. Be very careful when using SketchUp’s layers. They do not behave the way 99% of new SketchUp users expect them to behave. A SketchUp layer is simply a tag for visibility of the items associated with the “layer”. In particular, the use of layers has no effect on whether raw geometry bits and pieces - edges and faces - merge and interact with each other. In other words, two rectangles that are associated with two different layers will happily merge and mush into each other, if they touch in 3D space.

So, some advice:

  1. Be sure that all raw geometry - edges and faces - are always associated with “Layer 0”.
  2. Keep “Layer 0” the active layer at all times (which goes a long way to ensuring point 1).
  3. When you have identified a set of geometry that represents some more-or-less independent “thing,” create a Group or Component to hold the thing’s raw geometry. This could be a wall, or a set of adjacent walls. Groups and components can be nested, so you can have a North Wall object, a South Wall object, etc. and then collect the various walls into a First Floor object.
  4. If you want to control visibility of objects via SketchUp’s layer feature, associate those groups or components with various layers. Do NOT associate any of their actual edges and faces with a custom layer; only associate the overall group or component with the custom layer.

thanks for your answer!!!
i have just edit and uploaded my skp using your suggest! Many thanks!
For layers, ok, maybe I could understand that is a tag for visibility… I use VERY VERY FEW photoshop and I have the same idea of layer (ok it is a 2D way, not 3D way).
Thanks for all your advice but I have some question!
I number my question with the number of your suggest.
advice 1: why? In this way I can not set not visible this geometry!
advice 2: I set the active layer the layer where my drawing geometry will be put! eg: if I extrude a wall in my second floor I set active layer the layer of seond floor!
advice 3: Ok, but why not use layer for this purpose? I not know what is it a group, what I know is that if I select more geometry I can place them in a group but I now know how manage it… I will document myself about it…
advice 4: I suppose is that I’m doing, for me the second floor is ALL gemoetry of second floor (yes, you are true, maybe I must to use more layer, or group, for second floor, not ALL in one layer… I can work on it). I use camera view from front and select all upper the first floor… this for avoid select every thing separatly (or, contrary to your advice 2, I select active layer the layer where my gemoetry will be put).


As T Dahl says, don’t do that in SketchUp

ONLY assign layers to groups or components, NOT edges and faces (=geometry). ALWAYS draw your geometry on Layer0. ALWAYS, ALWAYS.

ONLY making objects consisting of edges and faces into groups or components will keep their geometry separate. Layers do NOT keep geometry separate, as you have found.

Read Sketchup Help pages ( about components, groups and layers (search for those words one at a time), to get this clear. If you don’t you will keep running into trouble.

SketchUp’s “layers” do not isolate edges and faces from each other. Layers have only one effect: to allow control of visibility of the entities associated with a given layer.

Here is an exercise to show what SketchUp layers do not do. Draw a rectangle somewhere on the ground plane. Associate the rectangle’s four edges and one face with a new layer, call it “Rectangle 1”. Now draw another rectangle off to the side, but also on the ground plane. Associate the second rectangle’s four edges and one face with another layer, call it “Rectangle 2”. Double-click one of the rectangles (to select all five entities) and then use the Move tool to slide that rectangle so that it touches or overlaps the other rectangle. Now try moving it again - what happens? It will drag along parts of both rectangles.

The fact that the raw geometry edges and faces of the two rectangles are associated with separate layers does not prevent their geometry from interacting. It doesn’t matter if you turn off the visibility of either of the layers. The edges and faces associated with an invisible layer will still interact with other touching or overlapping geometry.

To isolate edges and faces, use SketchUp’s Group or Component feature. The edges and faces within a group or component will never interact with (merge, drag, break, etc.) any geometry that is outside of that group or component. This is the purpose of a Group or Component - to isolate what is inside from what is outside.

For example, you could create a table out of a bunch of rectangles (edges and faces), and place all of that geometry into a group and name it “Table”. You could create a box out of more rectangles, and place all of that geometry into another group named “Box”. Now if you move the box such that it’s positioned on the table, or overlapping the edge of the table, nothing bad will happen - the edges and faces of the box will not merge or distort or alter the edges and faces of the table. (It does not matter what layers are associated with the table group or the box group. Even if the two groups are associated with the same layer, the geometry within the two groups will not interact because of the grouping.)

By the way, a Component is basically a super group with the added feature that multiple copies of a given component will automatically stay in synchronization when changes are made to any of the copies. Groups don’t do that - if you made a copy of the table and then changed the copy to have a thicker top, for example, the original copy of the table group would not change. If the table had been a component, then when you changed the top of the second copy of the table the original table would change automatically to match.

Hello Massimiliano (@holyhope),

Welcome to the SketchUp Community Forum.

After reading through your comments and those of the respondents, it seems that you will benefit from viewing the introductory SketchUp videos.

Two links are provided to get you started.


It’s best to watch them in order but not mandatory.


Watch one or as many as you like in a session and always experiment to explore the concepts presented.

When you become more comfortable with SU, feel free to look at and experiment with the more advanced concepts discussed in each of these series: (Links are provided for convenience.)
Beyond SketchUp”,
the “Toolbar Series” (very important),
LayOut” if you decide to go Pro, and when you are ready to really step up your skills
Familiar with SketchUp

Have fun and Happy SketchUpping!

Just be aware that some minor differences exist between SU Free (being web based) and the other versions of SU that are stored directly on your hard drive. The one difference that leaps out to me is that SU Free can not use extensions at this time.

Hi all!
I wait answer because i preferred Watch video before.
Now I have very few time but next week I will see all video!
For now I will thanks all of you for your answer!
Your advice are very usefull!!!

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