Incorrect measurements in millimeters when compared to UC Slicer Program


What is the angle between the large holes supposed to be? Is it supposed to 20°? And what is the radius to the centers of those holes supposed to be?

The radius of the weight cavities are 2.55mm and are supposed to follow the red axis with zero angle. The smaller hole radius is 1mm.

What is the distance between the center of the central hole and the centers of the wight holes? What is the angle between the holes?

I do not use angles.

How do you determine where those holes are around the ring? Or maybe it doesn’t matter?

I count the dotted lined around the center hold. Every fifth line is how I determine where the center of the wight cavity should sit and drawn in accordingly. The exceptions are cavities 5 through 8 which off sets the weight enough when the tuner is rotated to find the harmonic frequency node for better accuracy.

Sorry about the mistyped spelling.

So many of your dimensions are suspect with values extending 4 or more places beyond the decimal. You wouldn’t like see that because you have Display Precision set fairly coarse.

Here’s my version of your model. I used a different font for the numbers than you did. I cleaned up your logo a bit to make it look nicer.The holes numbered 1 through 5 and 8 through 12 are spaced equally at 20° apart. The angles between 5 and 6 as well as 7 and 8 are the same.

Here’s what I get when I upload it to i.materialise. The component in SketchUp was a solid from the moment I made it 3D and the stl did not require any repair to be printable.