SketchUp does not really embrace svg as of what we know now. However on the otherside, Inkscape is expert about many 2d vector things. So it offers for example .dxf export (AutoCAD DXF R14), which can be imported into SketchUp Pro.
There is also an SVG extension (that can also be installed in SketchUp Make) that imports (a subset of) svg files.
If you can import dxf (= if you have Pro), obviously yes.
If you cannot import dxf (= if you have Make), obviously no. In that case for going the .dxf way you install a plugin linked in catamountains post. Then you SketchUp can import .dxf.
On several occasions I’ve tried … Vector PDF > Inkscape > DXF > SketchUp
2D CAD plans typically have issues when brought into SU.
Generally, more conversions create even more issues.
Each year I create 3D models from ~300 2D plans.
I think you’ll find it’s quicker and more accurate via keyboard input to simply trace an image of the plan than wrangle with imported CAD crud.