Icon material

When creating an interior scene, many types of materials are used. I know how to identify a particular material. (Select object / entity info). I double click on the color box and the icon of the material is framed. But that’s the problem. The frame merges with the rest of the other material icons.
Difficult to identify when the scene has several icons.
Is it possible to better identify the selected icon? Change the color of the frame for a more conspicuous color?
Good day and excuse my bad English

Can you post screenshots that show what you are talking about? Share your SKP file, too, so we can see it for ourselves.

Thanks Dave for your answer. I tried to include an image with my text on the forum but I do not know how to do it. I will send you via this email the screenshot that I made to accompany my request. This is the page of the icons of the materials used in my drawing and the icon Entity Info. As you can see, it's not easy to know where the selected material is. Here is the eleventh icon of the first line.
Many materials come from SU Podium Browser V 2.5.
Possibly I miss a method to manage all my materials so that they are not all displayed on the same page.
Thanks again for your reply and have a good day

you can change the default os x highlight color in system preferences…


Thank you, John, for your solution. But the highlight option of os x is made to visualize the selections made during navigation on Mac. By default the color is blue. Changing this option in System Preference has no effect on Sketchup.
The image that accompanies this text shows you the result. I made a quick drawing in Sketchup representing four surfaces composed of so many different materials. Then, at the top right, the change in os x. Finally, lower, windows in connection with my drawing Sketchup.
I changed the highlight color to bright red. Of the four surfaces I made on Sketchup with four different materials, I selected the one on the top left. You will notice that in the Entity info window the material is selected. The icon that is active in the Color window is the one related to my selection and it is not bright red.
If it was possible to change the color, to highlight the icon, in the Sketchup Color window it would be great.
Greetings to all, and good afternoon