I would like some advice for my draft sketch of my future house

This is the first draft sketch of 2 houses in 1 house. A architecture engineering firm did it for me and i would like to modify it. Anyone with advice or suggestions to make it best?

Sketch 1 - Mir.pdf (438.7 KB)

Before you modify it you should contact the architect to ensure you have their permission.

Your profile indicates you are using SketchUp free which is web based. Is that correct? Why did you put nonsense for the version, operating system, and graphics card?

How much skill do you have using SketchUp?

As dave noted, contact the firm. Also If they did the drawings for you, most firms will revise the design with your comments, redlines and input.

I really couldn’t direct you how to “make it best” with out a lengthy discussion. Your architectural firm likley did this with you, and that is to learn what you want from the home and how you will use it on an average day.

On a side note- there seems to be alot of redundancy. I can only assume this is per request. Your watertank room is located very very far from the bathrooms, and unless they have local heating systems, it will take a few min to get hot water there. I find it odd that there is a sink in the bathroom, and outside the bathroom. I can only assume it is by request, or a cultural item i am unaware of.

You can install a recirculating line on the hot water heater and it won’t take a few min to get hot water.

Helvetical answer is a good one.

I would add that you can put a timer on the electrical line for the recirculating pump to avoid it pumping all night long or during the working days if no one is in the house.

In our parts, besides adding recirculation pumps we also insulate the hot water tubes.

Obviously the architect, or engineer, is there for you. It isn’t the other way around. That’s what you pay for. He or she is there to help you formulate the program of your project.

It’s justifiable to ask for feedback before you make your remarks and ask this professional to turn it into a sketch or preliminary design.

Having said that, this isn’t just a simple little plan. First try and formulate what you want yourself. So can you give us any clues as to how you would like to modify it?

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