How to simplify complex model, and extract surface of complex model?

Is it possible to use Sketchup Ruby or C API to develop the function(extract surface of complex model)?
Please refer to the similar funtion as BIMShell: BIMShell - Simplify BIM models and more

I am no developer but as several such extensions already exist (BIMShell, Skimp…) the answer would be that yes, it is possible. Probably if you don’t want to use an existing extension, you would have to develop the needed algorithms yourself.

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Yes, it is possible.

Which kind of algorithm can be used to get “Outer Shell faces”, which is located at the exterior of the model?

The answer to that is “of a kind that that creates outer shell faces”.

If the model is comprised of solid groups and components, SketchUp already has an Outer Shell tool.

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I don’t think anyone will share such a complex algoritm with you for free. As you can see e.g. BIMShell can do what you’re asking for, so it is possible to make an algorithm.
However to be able to make proper algorithm you need to describe the task more precisely.

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Boolean operational methods will be available only to the Ruby API and only in Pro desktop editions properly licensed. (It will not be available in any version of SketchUp Make, etc.)

See the following methods:

The C API does not have any Boolean operational functions.