Hi, I use the free sketch up make as a student. But I can’t print in scale due the scale section in print preview is not active anymore. Can you help me for this matter?
Yes. You can print to scale in SketchUp Make. First, you need to set the camera to Parallel Projection and then choose the appropriate standard view. Then you’ll be able to set the scale in the Print or Print Preview window.
Untick the box for Fit to page and Use model extents.
@DaveR - the OP is asking about Free, not Make. I haven’t used Free enough to know whether, and if so how, you can print to scale.
I know you could download the model from Free, then use Make 2017 (or 2016 if your desktop or laptop won’t run 2017), but can you print to scale directly from Free?
The OP wrote:
I would take that to mean SketchUp Make not SketchUp Free.
If it is SketchUp Free that the OP is using, then there isn’t currently an option to print to scale.
The topic is categorized Technical problems - SketchUp Free
The OP’s profile indicates they are using SketchUp Make. Perhaps all of that information is wrong and they really are using the web-based free version like you say.
The information I gave related to printing to scale in SketchUp MAKE is still correct.
Indeed it is and I got hold of the wrong end of the stick from the topic category. My profound apologies.
Thank you so much.
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