Following the very good youtube tutorial of concept3D Inc. - YouTube (thank you for it) I am able to generate the contour lines of my property. I order to build a 3D of the property what I need now is to measure the distance of the different contour lines to the reference contour plan (it would be the plan the mannequin is standing on).
Is that possible or will I have to genrate a large number of guide lines on that plane located vertically under my contour line and measure the distance between those lines and my contour lines?
Thank you for your help
You can move each contour directly to its required elevation without “measuring points.”
Select a contour (if it’s not touching anything, simply triple-click to select the entire contour), then pick the Move tool. Click once and start to drag the contour a short distance in any direction, then let go of the mouse without clicking, and type the following: [,z] Enter, where square brackets denote absolute coordinates, the two commas denote “same x” and “same y”, and z is the actual elevation. The Enter key executes the command.
See this article: Move Tool: Moving precisely
Thank you for your answer. It is not exactly what I want. Where I am at right ow is that I have 50 contour spaced 1feet appart. I exported a DXF out of it which I can use as a sketch in CATIA V5 to make pads but I need tot know which height each pad need to be. With your method I would have to make the contour move 1 feet vertically and create a dxf every time. That would word (and I will have to do it if there is not any better method)…
I guess it’s not clear what you’re trying to do, and you seem to have omitted some major details. Where are your 50 contours? Are you trying to create your ground surface in SU?
It’s fairly routing tro bring in a set of contour lines all sitting on the same plane and to want to raise them to their respective elevations and use the From Contours Sandbox tool to create the actual terrain surface. Is that not what you’re trying to do?
Your workflow seems really complicated–but again, that may be because I still can’t quite fathom what you’re trying to accomplish.
Nonetheless, to address your initial question directly: the default leader text for a point are its x,y,z coordinate values. So the third number gives you elevation.
Or, you could use the Query Tool (Tools > Utilities > Query Tool) to find the coordinates of a point. Or, you could simply measure the height of a point above the orign using the Tape Measure tool. Or, you could annotate the elevation with the Dimension tool.
Thank you for your help again and sorry for not being specific enough on my question. Fortunately you and answered it with the different tools you spoke about. I just need now to learn hop to use them but it seems that they will provide the data I am after