How to install plug-ins in Sketchup 2014?

Does somebody know how to install plug-ins in Sketchup 2014 ? Wich file ? The “Plug-in” file doesn’t exist in my version.
And if you know some free rendering plug-ins for sketchup 2014, it will be nice.
Thank you.

You should be able to find the Plugin directory here:

C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2014\SketchUp\Plugins

where User Name is your user name

Note that the AppData folder is hidden by default so to see it you might have to turn the display of hidden files and folders on in Windows Explorer’s Folder Options.


Thank you thewized and Anssi for your answer

Extension Warehouse is a great way to install plug-ins in SketchUp 2014.


Here you can find an overview of the different ways to install plugins for different SU versions (EN, GER):

Downloaded the new SU 2015 Make this morning. The plugins I have been working on don’t show up. What is the new plugin directory?

[quote=“thewized, post:7, topic:1911, full:true”]
Downloaded the new SU 2015 Make this morning. The plugins I have been working on don’t show up. What is the new plugin directory?
[/quote] Much the same as v2014, just substitute 2015 for 2015 !
Or to automatically open it… in the Ruby Console enter:


After snooping around a bit I finally found it. Thanks.