How to find out how much edge was softened? Entity info shows if it was softened or smoothed. But this does not tell me the value needed to replicated (the snow effect).
roof snow.skp (58.0 KB)
How to find out how much edge was softened? Entity info shows if it was softened or smoothed. But this does not tell me the value needed to replicated (the snow effect).
roof snow.skp (58.0 KB)
Yeah, I have noticed this annoying trait on the Mac interface at least. While I can soften various objects to different degrees, selecting back into a previously softened object does not reset the slider in the soften/smooth window to reflect the values used on that a object. Whatever value or options were the last used in soften window continue to display. I do not know of a workaround for this, wish it was fixed.
Perhaps someone out there has a trick for reading to value of a previous soften, but I don’t know if it can be done.
Here is a ruby script to make a ‘best guess’. Right-click on the group or component, and select ‘Show Smoothing Angle’
Essentially each softened edge between two faces needs to be looked at, and then determine the angle between the two faces. If there is any manual intervention with edge smoothness, then this method wouldn’t help.
# Name : ShowSmoothAngle 1.0
# Author : Natty
require 'sketchup.rb'
class ShowSmoothAngle
def ShowSmoothAngle::ValidateEntity
if sel == nil
return false
if sel.length != 1
return false
if sel[0].class == Sketchup::Group
return true
if sel[0].class == Sketchup::ComponentInstance
return true
return false
def ShowSmoothAngle::GetAngle(group)
angle = 0
group.entities.each { |e|
if e.class == Sketchup::Edge
if e.smooth?
if e.faces.length == 2
normal1 = e.faces[0].normal
normal2 = e.faces[1].normal
a = normal1.angle_between normal2
puts a.to_s
if a > angle
angle = a
return angle
def ShowSmoothAngle::Execute()
angle = 1000
Sketchup.active_model.selection.each { |e|
if e.class == Sketchup::Group
puts "Group"
angle = GetAngle(e)
if e.class == Sketchup::ComponentInstance
puts "Component"
angle = GetAngle(e.definition)
angle = angle * 180.0 / 3.1415926
UI.messagebox("Minimum smoothed angle: " + angle.to_s + " degrees")
end # Class MoveBy
if(not file_loaded?("ShowSmoothAngle.rb"))
UI.add_context_menu_handler do |menu|
menu.add_item("Show Smoothing Angle") { ShowSmoothAngle.Execute() } if ShowSmoothAngle.ValidateEntity
Edge softing is binary, either an edge is soften or it’s not soften, there are no different levels of softing for one single edge. Same goes for smoothing,
However, as Centaurs says, it is possible to find the sharpest soften edge to estimate the angle that was entered in the Soften Edges pane.
You have the makings of a handy little extension there.
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