How to export a .dwg into Qgis?

Hello everybody,

I am working on a ground plane. I finished the job and I would like to export it into Qgis.
To do this I processed as follow:

File → Export → 3D model; and I chose .dxf, then I opened my Qgis project and I tried to drag and drop the .dxf in Qgis.

Unfortunately, the file seems not to be correctly read by Qgis. The layer is imported, however the georeferencing seems to not be correclty interpreted (The model is really small and in the middle of the ocean). I checked the properties model in sketchUP and it is written that the model is correclty georeferenced.

Did someone have this kind of issue and have a solution to solve it?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Kind regards,


DWG or DXF files exported from SketchUp do not carry georeferencing information. Can Qgis read a Google Earth model file (KMZ)?

Hello @Anssi , thanks for your answer.

I just tried with the .kmz, and it did not work also :(.

I am surprised that the georeferencing is not supported with the export. It should be a way of improvement for SktechUp.

Do you have another idea to export SU model data into Qgis?

Thanks in advance,


There is an article to bring 3D models into QGIS here - It doesn’t look as hands off as pressing “import”

How to incorporate 3D models into a 3D Scene in QGIS using QGIS2threejs — open.gis.lab (