How to delete Susan?

I need to delete Susan in order to run a plugin. Is there a plugin which allow to delete it automatically or how to create a script to make it ?

Susan is a component (and a real person) that is part of the template that you (maybe unobviously) selected when first starting SketchUp. You can just choose a different template in Preferences → Template or create your own and save with File → Save as Template.

P.S.: Which plugin requires her to leave?

you could select a template without her in it,
(window / Preferences/ Templates)…need to start a new drawing before it defaults

or delete and purge
(window / model info / Statistics / purge unused)
and save as template
(file / save as template)

So I will create a new template.
Thank you for your help.

I use a plugin which allows to calculate sunshine on a building face.

You can just select and delete her.
