I have a plan with dimensions in SkecthUp 2020. I want Layout to display the dimensions similar to what is shown in the view in SketchUp. When I look at the plan in Layout in Edit 3D mode, everything looks good and the dimensions look similar to what I see in SketchUp. However, when I exit Edit 3D, the dimensions change to something else (unsatisfactory). This seems crazy. The purpose of being in Edit 3D mode is to adjust to the view you want. The view looks good, but when you exit is changes?? Is there a way in Layout to control how dimensions created in SketchUp are displayed? (Please don’t tell me to do the dimensions in Layout to begin with.) Attached is an example of what the model looks like in Edit 3D mode and out.
I see the text size of the dims changing from model space fullscale to paper space scale.
The ugly ones (you’ve highlighted in red) are the ones that cannot fit well with text size in paperspace scale.
Perhaps select all dimensions and change the height of text ?
72 pt = 1 inch
36pt = 0.5"
18pt = 0.25"
12pt = 0.18"
9pt = 0.125"